Page 7 - Pharmaceutical Solution for Pharma Analysis
P. 7

Application   No. C151

            „  Database search of phospholipids by SimLipid    „  Phospholipid change in liver tissue by
            On the basis of analyzing results by precursor ion scan   fluorescent probe dosing
            at  m/z 184 for PC and SM, database  search was    Next, Figure 3 shows the graph plotted by the peak
            executed to identify the detected peaks by SimLipid   intensity (Total Abundant) of each phospholipid (PC,
            software. Fig. 2 shows the result of database search.   SM and PE) integrated among each sample group (a
            Here    the candidates of PLs are manually narrow   normal and a probe dosing, n=3). In this graph, only PL
            down by considering the information of retention time   species for PC, SM and PE, which have been detected in
            of PL peaks and the length of carbon chain.        all samples, are shown among all detected peaks of PLs.
                                                               These peak intensity were  normalized by the tissue
                                                               An increase of phospholipids which was considered to
                                                               be the influence of probe administration, was
                                                               confirmed as Figure 3 showed.  In particular, it was
                                                               confirmed notably in  sphingophospholipids such as
                                                               SM(38:1), SM(40:3) and SM(42:3). In addition, an
                                                               increase of phospholipids  such as PC(38:6), PC(40:6),
                                                               PE(38:6) and PE(40:6) which were considered to contain
                                                               polyunsaturated fatty acids, was observed as well. On
                                                               the other hand, some phospholipids, PC(34:1) and
                                                               PE(34:1) have reduced after probe dosing (5hr). These
                                                               results suggest that increase and decrease in each class
                                                               of PLs including the same fatty acid composition are
                                                               Thus the simultaneous analysis for phospholipids on
                                                               PIS and NLS mode by LCMS-8060 enables to evaluate
                        Estimate of phospholipid candidates
                            by SimLipid software               the fluctuation  of PLs  by narrowing down the
                                                               candidate phospholipid species from the database
                                                               search by SimLipid software.

                            Control VS Prove Dosing                        Control VS Prove Dosing
                              (Total Abundance)                              (Total Abundance)

               4500000                                           250000
               3500000                                           200000


                    0                                                0
                        PC(32:0)  PC(34:1)  PC(34:2)  PC(34:3)  PC(36:2)  PC(36:4)  PC(38:4)  PC(38:5)  PC(38:6)  PC(40:6)  SM(34:1)  SM(38:0)  SM(38:1)  SM(40:1)  SM(40:2)  SM(40:3)  SM(42:3)  PE(34:1)  PE(34:2)  PE(36:2)  PE(36:3)  PE(36:4)  PE(36:5)  PE(38:3)  PE(38:4)  PE(38:6)  PE(38:7)  PE(39:6)  PE(40:6)  PE(40:7)  PE(40:9)  PE(42:9)

                                      Prove Dosing
                              Control   䝥䝻䞊䝤ᢞ୚                              Control  Prove Dosing

                             Changes of phospholipids in liver tissues from a normal and a fluorescent probe dosing mouse.
                                                                                                      First Edition: Mar. 2017
                                             For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedure.
                                             This publication may contain references to products that are not available in your country. Please contact us to check the availability of these
                                             products in your country.

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                                             The information contained herein is provided to you "as is" without warranty of any kind including without limitation warranties as to its
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                                                                                                  © Shimadzu Corporation, 2017
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