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            Application                  Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry

            News                         Development of a Phospholipid Profiling Method

                                         Using Triple Quadrupole LC/MS/MS

            The lipid bilayer membrane structure of cell membranes   phospholipid structure prediction based on molecular
            is formed of phospholipids, with fatty acid chains   ions (Fig. 1). The Shimadzu MRM library includes 422
            oriented inside the membrane and polar groups situated   constituents (1  method), and the phospholipid targets
            on the membrane surface. Precursors of physiologically   of the library are phosphatidylcholines (PC),
            active lipids bound to phospholipids as fatty acids include   phosphatidylethanolamines (PE), phosphatidylserines
            polyunsaturated fatty acids such as arachidonic acid,   (PS), phosphatidylglycerol (PG), phosphatidylinositol (PI),
            EPA, and DHA. These lipids contribute to the formation   and sphingomyelins (SM). A list of the fatty acids
            of a wide variety of membrane structures. Due to recent   included as analytical targets are shown in the table on
            reports of a causal association between phospholipid   the right in Fig. 1. A single chromatographic analysis can
            compositions and various diseases, phospholipid profiling   be used to profile 422 phospholipid constituents. The
            techniques have gained interest as an important    MRM library also includes 867 MRM transitions that are
            approach in disease marker screening and disease   needed to determine the fatty acid composition. The
            mechanism identification.                           phospholipid profiling workflow begins with the 1
            Shimadzu has created a phospholipid profiling LC/MS/  method, after which the 2  method is performed if the
            MS MRM library for the classification of phospholipids in   fatty acid composition analysis is needed. Shimadzu has
            biological samples. Phospholipids are divided into   also created the MRM Event Link Editor that edits MRM
            glycerophospholipids and sphingophospholipids.     methods, and is needed to create a 2  method from the
            Qualitative analysis of phospholipids by MS/MS involves   867 MRM library transitions.
            phospholipid classification via the detection of product   The library allows for easy phospholipid profiling with a
            ions created by polar group elimination, such as choline   triple quadrupole mass spectrometer, and stress-free
            and ethanolamine elimination, and subsequent       fatty acid composition analysis.

                                      2 Method
                                                                               Number of Double Bonds
                                                     1 Method             C14:0 C14:1
                                                                          C16:0 C16:1
                                                           +        Carbon  C18:0 C18:1 C18:2 C18:3
                                                                          C20:0 C20:1 C20:2 C20:3 C20:4 C20:5
                                  2 Method                                C22:0 C22:1 C22:6
              Fig. 1  PS (16:0/18:1) structure and fragmentation points (left), and tabulated list of fatty acids (right). Here, the 1  method refers to
                   MRM that analyzes product ions obtained by polar head group elimination, and the 2  method refers to MRM that analyzes
                   fatty acid product ions.

                        1  Method                Method Editing                2  Method
                         Profiling of 422               MRM Event                  Fatty acid
                          phospholipid                  Link Editor          composition analysis
                          constituents                                          of target peaks

             Fig. 2  Workflow of MRM based phospholipid profiling. Structural information obtained from the 1  method comprises the polar
                 head group, and the total carbon number of the fatty acids and number of double bonds (eg: PC (34:1)). The 2  method is used
                 to determine the fatty acid composition of the constituent obtained in the 1  method, such as PC (16:0/18:1) from PC (34:1).
                  )1-$ $POEJUJPOT                                      .4 $POEJUJPOT  -$.4
                  Analytical Column   : Phenomenex Kinetex C8          Ionization Method   : ESI (Positive/Negative)
                                      (150 mm L × 2.1 mm I.D., 2.6 μm)  Nebulizer Gas Flowrate   : 3.0 L/min
                  Mobile Phase A    : 20 mM ammonium formate           Drying Gas Flowrate   : 10.0 L/min
                  Mobile Phase B    : Acetonitrile/Isopropanol (1:1)   Heating Gas      : 10.0 L/min
                  Time Program (B %)   : 20 % (0 min) ˠ 20 % (1 min) ˠ 40 % (2 min)  DL Temperature   : 250 ˚C
                                      ˠ 92.5 % (25 min) ˠ 100 % (26 min)  Heater Block Temperature  : 400 ˚C
                                      ˠ 100 % (35 min)                 Interface Temperature   : 300 ˚C
                  Flowrate          : 0.3 mL/min                       CID Gas Pressure   : 230 kPa
                  Injection Volume   : 3 μL
                  Column Oven Temperature  : 45 ˚C
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