Page 2 - Pharmaceutical Solution for Pharma Analysis
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Solutions for
                  Pharmaceutical Analysis                                                              Index

            Application Notebook

            Basic Research and Drug Discovery
              Development of a Phospholipid Profiling Method Using Triple Quadrupole LC-MS/MS
              This article shows the LC-MS/MS MRM library (phospholipids) can be used for easy phospholipid profiling and fatty acid composition determination.
              Phospholipid Analysis Using SimLipid Software
              We show the analyzing results by LCMS-8060 of phospholipid changes in a liver tissue between a control and a mouse which a  uorescent probe has
              been administered by a tail vein injection. In this analysis, SimLipid software from PREMIER Biosoft, USA was used to estimate the candidate of PLs
               uctuated between a control and a probe administered mouse.
              Phospholipid Analysis for Four Types of Mouse Tissues
              Phospholipids characteristic of each tissue were detected from four different tissue extracts and the effectiveness of the database search by SimLipid
              software was con rmed.
              LC/MS/MS MRM Library for Phospholipid Profiling [Flyer]
              A Study of Toxicity Evaluation Using the iMScope TRIO - Analysis of Localization of Amiodarone in Rat Lungs -
              We introduce an example of MS imaging analysis using the iMScope TRIO imaging mass microscope to compare the localization of the pathological
               ndings with that of the amiodarone observed in lung tissue after administering amiodarone to rats.
              Simultaneous Analysis of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors in Human Blood Plasma with LC-MS/MS
              This article introduces an example of simultaneous analysis of EGFR-TKIs, ALK-TKIs, and metabolites in human blood plasma for the purpose of research
              into pharmacokinetics using the triple quadrupole high performance liquid chromatograph mass spectrometer LCMS-8050.
            LC Method Development

              Ultra-High Speed Analysis of USP Methods Conforming to Permissible Limits in New USP General Chapter 621
              We introduce an example of a faster analysis of a USP method in compliance with the new General Chapter 621 using the Nexera X2 ultra high
              performance liquid chromatograph and the Shim-pack XR-ODS III high-speed analytical column.
              Analysis of Omeprazole by "i-Series" for USP and JP Methods
              This Application News introduces an example of analysis of omeprazole in accordance with JP and USP. Also presented here is an example of analysis
              that can be completed in a signi cantly shorter time than that described in the USP General Chapter 621 Chromatography.
              High Speed Analysis of Pharmaceutical Impurities in Compliance with European Pharmacopoeia Using Nexera-i MT
              This article introduces an example of high speed analysis of pharmaceuticals and related substances in compliance with the EP using the Nexera-i MT
              integrated high performance liquid chromatograph.
              Analysis of Montelukast Sodium Using Prominence-i and Nexera-i MT
              This article introduces system suitability tests of montelukast sodium using Prominence-i and Nexera-i MT in compliance with the 17  edition of JP.
              Isolation and Identi cation of Atorvastatin Degradation Impurities by UFPLC
              Prominence UFPLC, Ultra Fast Preparative and Puri cation Liquid Chromatograph enables fast recovery of highly puri ed target compounds from
              complex samples such as organic synthesis reaction mixtures and natural products. This article describes an example of Atorvastatin and its impurities.

            Chiral Separation
              Automated Optimization of Chiral Separation Parameters Using Nexera UC Chiral Screening System
              This article describes using the Nexera UC chiral screening system to automatically optimize the large number of separation parameters by switching
              between up to 12 columns and various mixture ratios of four types of modi ers. This can signi cantly reduce the effort required.
              Analysis and Evaluation of Chiral Drugs in Biological Samples Using the Nexera UC-MS/MS System
              This article introduces an example of the selectivity and sensitivity of drug level monitoring in a biological sample and the evaluation results of the
              analysis method, as an application to the pharmacokinetics research of chiral separation using SFC-MS/MS, after having selected an appropriate
              Analysis of Choline and Acetylcholine in Rat Cerebrospinal Fluid Samples Using the Nexera UC-MS/MS System
              This article focuses on the SFC analysis of these compounds in a rat cerebrospinal  uid sample by direct injection of the cerebrospinal  uid to the Nexera
              UC SFC system. Also introduced is automatic extraction and analysis of a cerebrospinal  uid sample impregnated into  lter paper, in consideration of
              convenience and durability for storage and transport, using the Nexera UC online SFE-SFC-MS/MS system.
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