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            Application                  LC/MS


                                         Phospholipid analysis using SimLipid software
            No. C151

            Phospholipids (PLs) have  a role of constituting a   „  Sample preparation and analysis
            cellular membrane in a living cell and are also related   Carbon nano tube (CNT) probe is known as a
            to produce various fatty acids such as arachidonic acids,   fluorescent probe for a long-wavelength to visualize an
            EPA and DHA which are precursors of bioactive lipids.   administered target molecule inside a living body. This
            Fluctuation of PLs concentration in a blood or a tissue   probe was administered to a mouse at a concentration
            is also known to be correlated with various disease. For   of 300 μg/mL by a tail vein injection (100 μL). After 5hr
            example, Hyperlipidemia and arteriosclerosis are   of administering, liver tissues were isolated from a
            known to induce an elevation of lipid concentration in   control mouse and a administered mouse. The isolated
            a blood and some nervous  diseases are reported to   tissues were rapidly frozen in liquid nitrogen and
            change the ratio of fatty acid constitution of     crushed to some blocks of an appropriate size. Then
            phospholipids. Thus although phospholipids are     these tissue blocks were weighed. Furthermore, after
            reported to be related with various disease, a number   crushing frozen tissue blocks by a bead type crusher,
            of phospholipid species is enormous. PLs are classified   phospholipids were extracted by Bligh & Dyer method.
            to glycerophospholipid and sphingophospholipid by   Organic phase was recovered and then evaporated.
            the structural body. Furthermore, PLs are classified to   The sample was dissolved with a solution of
            PC, PE, PG, PI, PS, PA and SM by its characteristic head   CHCl3/MeOH (1:1). Phospholipid profiling by precursor
            group. These PLs have diverse fatty acids different in a   ion scan (PIS) and neutral loss scan (NLS) with LCMS-
            length of carbon chain, an number of double-bond.   8060 were executed for the sample diluted with MeOH
              Here we shows the analyzing results by LCMS-8060 of   (Table 1). In  this case,  phospholipid analysis were
            phospholipid changes in  a liver tissue between a   carried out by PIS at  m/z 184 focusing on the
            control and a mouse which a fluorescent probe has   characteristic head groups of PC and SM or NLS of 141
            been administered by a tail vein injection. In this   for  ethanolamine of PE (Figure 1). The  candidate of
            analysis, SimLipid software from PREMIER Biosoft, USA   phospholipids was estimated for each peak detected
            ( was used to  estimate the   on PIS and NLS analysis as a result of database search
            candidate of PLs fluctuated between a control and a   by SimLipid software (Figure 2).
            probe administered mouse.

                                                  T. Nakanishi

                           Table 1  HPLC condition                              PC (16:0/16:0)
             Column         :  Phenomenex Kinetex C8                                     O        O
                             (150 × 2.1 mm, 2.6 μm)                                               P     N +
             Mobile phase A   :  20 mmol/L Ammonium formate                               O     O HO  O
             Mobile phase B     Acetonitrile/2-propanol (1:1)                                O
             Flow rate of mobile   : 0.3 mL/min                                             O
             phase                                                                              m/z 184
             Time program (B%)   :  20 % (0 min)→20 % (1 min)→40 % (2 min)      SM (d18:1/16:0)
                             →92.5 % (25 min)→100 % (26 – 30 min)   Positive
                             Curved gradient from 2 min to 25 min.                         OH     O
             Column temp.   :  45 °C                                                            O  P  O  N +
             Injection volume   :  3 μL                                                         HO

                                                                                           O    m/z 184

                       Table 2  MS Condition (LCMS-8060)                        PE (16:0/16:0)
             Ionization            : ESI (+)  / (í)                                      O        O
             Nebulizer gas flow rate   :  3 L/min                                                 P      NH 2
             Heating gas flow rate   :  10 L/min                                           O     O HO  O
             Drying gas flow rate   :  10 L/min                                               O
             Probe voltage         : 4 kV (+) / í3 kV (í)                                   O
             Interface temperature   :  300 °C
             DL temperature        :  250 °C
             Block heater temperature.   :  400 °C                   Neutral loss scan: [M+H-141]   +

                                                                            Structural formula of PC, SM and PE
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11