Page 5 - Pharmaceutical Solution for Pharma Analysis
P. 5

Application  No.C137

            The LCMS-8050 system was used with a phospholipid   For the 33 possible fatty acid compositions, the peak
            MRM library 1  method (MRM of 422 phospholipid     areas obtained from MRM monitoring of polar head
            constituents) to profile a lipid extract obtained from   groups are shown in the vertical axis in Fig. 3. For PC
            mouse brain. As a result, the peaks were detected for   (38:4), the MRM chromatogram obtained from the 2 nd
            130 constituents, and the peak heights of 102      method is shown on the bottom left of Fig. 3. The
            constituents were 10,000 or above.                 MRM chromatogram obtained when monitoring for
            MRM Event Link Editor was used to create a 2       the polar head group (choline), which is shown above
            method, which is needed to determine the fatty acid   the 2 method chromatogram, detected a main peak
            composition of the peaks detected by the 1  method,   at 15.5 minutes. The MRM chromatogram below is for
            and analysis was performed. Taking PC (38:4) as an   fatty acid product ions with compositions of 18:0
            example, the MRM Event Link Editor software creates   (stearic acid) and 20:4 (arachidonic acid). The MRM
            a method from the MRM transitions expected for all   chromatograms obtained for other fatty acid
            possible combinations of fatty acids (18:0/20:4,   combinations did not detect a peak at 15.5 minutes,
            18:1/20:3, 18:2/20:2, 18:3/20:1) in ESI negative mode   showing that the main fatty acid combination is
            (ESI (-)), and takes those transitions from the 867   18:0/20:4.
            MRM transitions in the MRM library. The 2  method   This article shows the LC/MS/MS MRM library
            would also include the MRM transitions used in the 1    (phospholipids) can be used for easy phospholipid
            method to monitor for eliminated polar head groups.   profiling and fatty acid composition determination.




                          PC (30:1-14:0/16:0)  PC (32:0-16:0/16:0)  PC (32:1-16:0/16:1)  PC (34:0-16:0/18:0)  PC (34:1-16:0/18:1)  PC (34:2-16:0/18:2)  PC (36:0-16:0/20:0)  PC (36:1-18:0/18:1)  PC (36:2-18:1/18:1)  PC (36:3-18:0/20:3)  PC (36:4-18:0/20:4)  PC (38:1-18:0/20:1)  PC (38:2-18:1/20:1)  PC (38:3-18:0/20:3)  PC (38:4-18:0/20:4)  PC (38:5-18:1/20:4)  PC (38:6-16:0/22:6)  PC (40:1-18:1/22:0)  PC (40:5-20:1/20:4)  PC (40:6-18:0/22:6)  PC (40:7-18:1/22:6)  PE (36:2-

              5.0E+6  810.6>184 (+)                                283 (–)
              2.5E+6                                                  O O
                                                        184 (+)
                                                                    O O
                  0                                         O       O O O
                    854.6>283 (–)    nd
              1.0E+5                2  Method          +  O  P O O
                    854.6>303 (–)                    N       – –      O O
                                                                   303 (–)        PC (18:0/20:4)
                      14.0   15.0   16.0    17.0 min
               Fig. 3  Profiling results for PC in mouse brain lipid extract (top image). The MRM chromatogram used to determine the fatty acid
                    composition of PC (38:4) (bottom left) showed the fatty acid composition was 18:0/20:4 (bottom right).

                                                                                                     First Edition: Oct. 2016

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