Page 24 - Shimadzu Dynamic and Fatigue Testing Systems
P. 24

Compact Hydraulic Actuator                                                                                                System Example
            Force Simulator EHF-JF Series                                                                                              Rod end                                              Hydraulic lines

                                                                                                           Furniture,                             Load cell                                   Wiring
                                                                                            Automobiles  Steel, Metals, Machines  Office Supplies
            For Testing the Endurance of Various Parts and Components                                                                                                                                                                         EHF Series  Electric Hydraulic Dynamic and Fatigue Testing System

                                                                                                                                                                                             Servo Controller 4830
                                                                                                                                        Swivel        Actuator
                     Lightweight and Easy to Install
               The 20 kN ±100 mm model weighs only 25 kg. The aluminum body (20 kN model) makes it easy to transport or reinstall on a different                                                          AF Series Portable Air-Cooled
               testing system. This gives it the flexibility to be used for evaluating a variety of components, large structural members, or parts.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Hydraulic Power Supply Unit
                                                                                                                                                                  Bracket             Software            This air-cooled hydraulic power supply unit requires no
                                  Compact                                                                                                                                                                 cooling water. Also, all of the required hydraulic
                                                                                                                                                                                                          equipment is installed in a case mounted on caster
                             The small size of the actuator requires less space for attaching it to samples. Hydraulic lines are connected using                                                          wheels so that it can be relocated easily.
                             quick couplers. This makes it easy to configure testing systems.

                                    With Dynamic Actuator Capacities of 5 kN, 10 kN, 20 kN, 30 kN, and
                                    50 kN, the Compact Actuators Support a Wide Range of Tests

                                                                         Uses Low-Friction Dust Seals                                                                                                                                         EMT/NJ-SERVO/MMT Series  Electric Hydraulic Dynamic and Fatigue Testing System
                                                                          Specialized seals are used to achieve high accuracy for small forces
                                                                          and minimize oil leakage.

                                                                                                                                        With a trunnion bracket                    With vertical and left/right   With vertical movement and
                Accommodates                                                                                                                                                       rotation mechanisms           vertical rotation mechanisms
                Various Types of Testing
               Brackets for attaching various optional equipment can be mounted at the front,
               center, or tail. Load can be applied to samples from a variety of angles.
                                                                                                                                                                    Bed Endurance Evaluation System
                                   Long-Stroke Actuator                                                                                                           This system allows testing of bed mattresses or other large
                                                                                                                                                                  samples. By installing an EHF-J system on a reaction frame, loads
                                                                                                                                                                  can be repeatedly applied from perpendicular directions.                    Servo Controller 4830  Controller for Dynamic and Fatigue Testing Systems
                             ±50 mm, ±100 mm, or ±150 mm. Long-stroke actuators can even simulate forces
                             over long stroke distances.
                                                               ±0.5 % Test Force Accuracy
                                                                                                                                                                          Part Endurance Evaluation System
                                                               Test force accuracy is guaranteed to within ±0.5 % of the indicated value
                                                                                                                                                                        This system features a reaction frame with a hydraulically actuated
                                                                                                                                                                        crosshead installed on a large surface plate. The actuator can be
            Satisfies Requirements for a Diverse Range of Fields                                                                                                        adjusted to any angle or left/right position. Therefore, it can be
                                                                                                                                                                        used as a general-purpose system for testing the endurance of
            It can be used to evaluate strength, verify or rationalize designs, or evaluate the safety and reliability of a variety of items via dynamic and fatigue testing, simulation testing, or   various parts and components.
            actual dynamic waveform input testing.

              Automobiles          Aircraft             Drinking water      Parts    New         Schools
              Motorcycles          Ships                Light-gauge steel structures  materials   materials  Research laboratories                                  XYZ 3-Axis Engine Mount Testing System
              Construction equipment  Trains            Prefabricated buildings  Pipes  Chassis  Industrial testing laboratories                                  This system is capable of applying synchronized loads in three directions, X, Y, and Z.
                                                        Two-by-four method  Shape steel  Aluminum   Training
                                                         buildings                               Experiments                                                      It can also be used to accurately reproduce actual load profiles experienced by vehicles during travel.  Various Dynamic Testing Systems

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