Page 21 - Shimadzu Dynamic and Fatigue Testing Systems
P. 21

Specifications           C                D

                              E       B
                                                                                              2566                  EHF Series  Electric Hydraulic Dynamic and Fatigue Testing System

                                                                                      904             825
                                                                                 With Table Housing AF-4 Hydraulic Power Supply Unit

                                             EHF         EHF         EHF         EHF         EHF         EHF
                                            -LV005k1A  -LV005k2A   -LV010k1A   -LV010k2A   -LV020k1A   -LV020k2A
                    Max. dynamic test force        ±5kN                   ±10kN                   ±20kN
                     Max. static test force        ±6kN                   ±12kN                   ±24kN
                                            ±25mm       ±50mm       ±25mm       ±50mm       ±25mm       ±50mm
                       Piston stroke
                                                           Units with a maximum stroke of ±100 mm can also be made.
                   Cycle speed and amplitude                      See amplitude characteristics charts.
                      Controlled items                        Test force and stroke (two can be added as options)
                              Range                                     24-bit rangeless
                Test force
                          Indication accuracy    Within 0.5 % of indicated value or ±0.02 % of maximum dynamic test force, whichever is greater
                   Crosshead drive mechanism                     Hydraulic drive (with hydraulic clamp)
               Applicable hydraulic power supply unit           AF-4, AF-10B, AF-20B, QF-10B, QF-20B                EMT/NJ-SERVO/MMT Series  Electric Fatigue and Endurance Test System
                     Power requirements                Varies depending on the hydraulic power supply unit (see pages 34 and 35).
               Testing space   A            140 to 830  115 to 805  140 to 830  115 to 805  140 to 830  115 to 805
                  (mm)         B                                           460
                               C                                           800
               Main unit
             dimensions (mm)   D                                           600
                               E             1760        1770        1760        1770       1760        1770
                       Weight (kg)           360         370         365         375         370         380
                    Frame rigidity (mm/kN)                    0.0033 (given a 500 mm crosshead-table clearance)
            Amplitude Characteristics (60 Hz)   The above characteristic curves indicate the relation between half-amplitude and cycle speed, given sine wave motion at the rated load level.
                                               The above indicates the amplitude characteristics given a 60 Hz power supply. Characteristics with a 50 Hz power supply will be
                                               about 5/6 of indicated values.
                                               The above characteristics do not include the frame or load cell characteristics. Compensate for the in uence of these factors to
                  AF-4                         determine actual amplitude characteristics.
                  QF-10B/AF-10B  25 mm stroke  The indicated characteristics values were calculated based on typical characteristics of the servo valve being used, which may result
                  QF-20B/AF-20B  50 mm stroke  in a difference of about 10 % on the frequency axis.
                                               There may be limitations on testing frequencies, depending on jig, sample, or other characteristics.
                          5kN                                10kN                                  20kN
              100           100cm/s  100G        100             100cm/s  100G        100             1G 100cm/s  100G  Servo Controller 4830  Controller for Dynamic and Fatigue Testing Systems

             Half-amplitude (mm)  10 1  0.1cm/s  0.01G  0.1G  10cm/s  10G  Half-amplitude (mm)  10 1  0.1cm/s  0.01G  10cm/s 0.1G  10G  Half-amplitude (mm)  10 1  0.1cm/s  0.01G  0.1G  10cm/s  10G

               0.1                               0.1                                   0.1
                0.1      1       10               0.1      1       10                  0.1      1       10
                      Frequency (Hz)                       Frequency (Hz)                       Frequency (Hz)
                                                Power supply
            Standard Layout               power supply
                                     Cooling   unit
             At the installation site, provide about 500 mm                                With Table Housing AF-4
             of space on all four sides of the system, in   High-pressure                  Hydraulic Power Supply Unit
             addition to the space requirements indicated   rubber hose  Electrical wiring
             above, to allow access for operation and                                                                Various Dynamic Testing Systems
             maintenance.                                           Hydraulic   Space
             The drawing above indicates the dedicated       Main unit  power   required
             space requirements. The shape and orientation          supply unit   (W x D)
             of the hydraulic power supply unit may vary      L5kN   QF-10B  2000×2200
             depending on its capacity.
             For a more detailed standard layout drawing,   Testing machine  L10kN  QF-20B  2000×2400  Testing machine   Controller
             contact Shimadzu.             main unit  Controller     AF-10B  2000×2400        main unit
             The standard system con guration does not        L20kN
             include the table, computer, or printer.                AF-20B  2000×2400
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