Page 18 - Shimadzu Dynamic and Fatigue Testing Systems
P. 18


                                         EHF        EHF         EHF          EHF           EHF          EHF
                      Model            -UV050k1A  -UV050k2A   -UV100k1A    -UV100k2A     -UV200k1A    -UV200k2A
                  Max. dynamic test force     ±50kN                  ±100kN                     ±200kN
                  Max. static test force      ±60kN                  ±120kN                     ±240kN
                     Piston stroke      ±25mm      ±50mm       ±25mm        ±50mm         ±25mm        ±50mm
                 Cycle speed and amplitude                   See amplitude characteristics charts.
                    Controlled items                     Test force and stroke (two can be added as options)
                          Range                                    24-bit rangeless
             Test force
                      Indication accuracy   Within 0.5 % of indicated value or ±0.02 % of maximum dynamic test force, whichever is greater
                 Crosshead drive mechanism                   Hydraulic drive (with hydraulic clamp)
             Applicable hydraulic power supply unit  QF-10B, QF-20B, QF-40B, QF-70B, QF-110, QF-140, AF-10B, AF-20B
                   Power requirements             Varies depending on the hydraulic power supply unit (see pages 34 and 35).

            Testing Machine Main Unit Dimensions

              A      B

                     C            E       50/100 kN frame

                            Capacity                  50kN                                 100kN
                          Actuator stroke   ±25mm              ±50mm             ±25mm              ±50mm
                          Column length  Standard  Standard + 400  Standard  Standard + 400  Standard  Standard + 400  Standard  Standard + 400
                              A       180 to 785  380 to 1185  155 to 760  355 to 1160  180 to 735  380 to 1135  155 to 710  355 to 1110
             Testing space (mm)
                              B                                          560
                              C                                          1046
             Main unit dimensions  D    1610     2010      1710     2110     1655      2055     1755      2155
                              E      1000 1500 2000 1000  1500 2000 1000  1500 2000 1000  1500 2000 1000  1500 2000 1000  1500 2000 1000  1500 2000 1000  1500 2000
                      Weight (kg)    970 1330 1630 1000  1360 1660 970  1330 1630 1000  1360 1660 1070  1460 1900 1100  1500 1940 1070  1460 1900 1100  1500 1940
                  Frame rigidity (mm/kN)*             0.0025                               0.0019
            * Crosshead table clearance: 500 mm

               A         B

                         C            E       200 kN Frame
                            Capacity                                     200kN
                          Actuator stroke            ±25mm                                 ±50mm
                          Column length    Standard          Standard + 400       Standard        Standard + 400
                              A            200 to 950         400 to 1350        175 to 925        375 to 1325
             Testing space (mm)
                              B                                           560
                              C                                          1200
             Main unit dimensions  D         2255               2655               2305              2705
                              E       1000   1500  2000  1000   1500  2000  1000   1500  2000  1000  1500  2000
                     Weight (kg)      2020   2690  3430  2100   2770  3510  2050   2720  3460  2130  2800  3540
                  Frame rigidity (mm/kN)*                                0.0009
            * Crosshead table clearance: 500 mm

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