Page 20 - Shimadzu Dynamic and Fatigue Testing Systems
P. 20

Tabletop Electric-Hydraulic Dynamic and Fatigue Testing System
            EHF-L Series

                                                                             Automobiles  Steel, Metals, Machines  Biological Material  Electrical, Communication  R&D
            For Fatigue and Endurance Testing of Various Materials and Small Parts

            These compact tabletop models with a top-mounted actuator on an L-type loading frame can perform a wide range of fatigue and endurance
            tests, from fatigue testing materials to testing small components or parts.

            With Dynamic Actuator Capacities of
            5 kN, 10 kN, and 20 kN, the Compact Actuators
            Support a Wide Range of Tests
            Top-Mounted Actuator                                                                     hydraulic crosshead

            Capable of testing low-to-medium strength materials. From plastic to aluminum,
            even small component parts can be evaluated by installing an optional T-slot
            surface plate.
            ±0.5 % Test Force Accuracy                             High-accuracy column

            Test force accuracy is guaranteed to within ±0.5 % of the indicated value.

                  Dual-Stage Crosshead Drive Mechanism

            The hydraulic crosshead drive and hydraulic clamp can be operated intuitively
            using handles.
            This dual-stage con guration helps prevent operating errors and accidents.

                  High Rigidity and Large Testing Space

            A T-slot surface plate makes it easy to secure components.

                      Compact Tabletop Testing Machine

            A dedicated table for supporting the main testing machine (optional) and a table for
            enclosing the hydraulic power supply unit are available.

               Optional Surface Plate Allows Full-Scale Testing

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