Page 22 - Shimadzu Dynamic and Fatigue Testing Systems
P. 22

Optional Accessories and Systems                                                                                          Compression and Bending Test Jigs
                                                                                                                                                         Compression Plate                                  3-Point/4-Point Bending Test Jig
                                                                                                                                                                                                            (for partial half-amplitude fatigue testing)
             Servopulser series systems allow selection of the optimal combination of units based on testing objectives. In addition, an extensive selection of   Compression plates are available with both he top
                                                                                                                                                       and bottom fixed or with the top compression plate
             optional testing equipment, such as various testing jigs, detectors, and atmospheric control testing units, is available. For more details, refer to
                                                                                                                                                       mounted on a spherical seat.
             the separate optional accessories brochure.                                                                                                                                                    Maximum test force  2kN           EHF Series  Electric Hydraulic Dynamic and Fatigue Testing System
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Max. dynamic
                                                                                                                                                                      20 to 500 kN                          bending moment  50 N/m
                                                                                                                                                         Maximum test force
                                                                                                                                                                      (multiple capacities available)                    RT to +100 °C
                                                                                                                                                       Operating temperature range  RT to +250 °C         Operating temperature range  -196 to +300 °C
            Tensile and Compression Test Jigs                                                                                                            Applicable sample  60 to 220 mm dia.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Jig dimensions  Lower span: 30 to 100 mm
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Upper span: 15 to 50 mm
                               Front-Opening Hydraulic Grip                       Manual Non-Shift Plate Grip                                             Metals     Plastics  Composite materials
                                                                                                                                                          Rubber     Rock     Component                      Metals     Plastics  Composite materials
                             Designed for full-amplitude tensile and compression   These grips are designed for full-amplitude tensile
                             fatigue testing, these grips offer superior        and compression fatigue testing of flat plate                            Uniform Bending Test Jig                           CTOD Bending Test Jig + Clip Gauge
                             ease-of-operation and ensure high-accuracy testing   materials and feature a simple and efficient                           (for full-amplitude fatigue testing)
                             for a wide range of tests.                         construction.
                                                                                                                                                       This jig uses ball bearings at each support point to   This jig is for CTOD bending tests compliant with ASTM
                                                                                               ±5 to 100 kN
                                                                                  Maximum test force                                                   apply uniform bending loads.                       E339. It is used for fracture toughness testing.
                                            ±20 to 200 kN                                      (multiple capacities available)
                               Maximum test force
                                             (multiple capacities available)                   RT to +50 °C
                                                                                 Operating temperature range
                              Operating temperature range  RT to +50 °C                        -196 to +300 °C
                               Applicable sample  Rod / flat plate                Applicable sample  Flat plate                                          Maximum test force  ±2 to 10 kN                    Maximum test force  50/100 kN
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Max. dynamic
                                                                                                                                                          Max. dynamic
                                 Metals    Plastics  Composite materials            Metals    Plastics   Composite materials                             bending moment  ±20 to 250 N/m                     bending moment  2/6 k N/m
                                                                                                                                                                      RT to +50 °C                                       RT to +100 °C        EMT/NJ-SERVO/MMT Series  Electric Hydraulic Dynamic and Fatigue Testing System
                                                                                                                                                       Operating temperature range  -196 to +200 °C       Operating temperature range  -196 to +300 °C
                               Split Flange Rod Grip                              Pin-Type Grip for Flat Samples +
                                                                                  Dynamic Strain Gauge                                                                                                       Metals     Plastics  Composite materials
                                                                                  (for gauge length displacement)
                             These grips allow samples to be secured easily and
                             firmly. They are ideal for full-amplitude tensile and   These grips are designed for half-amplitude tensile
                             compression fatigue testing of round rod samples.  fatigue testing.
                                                                                Note: Supports only tensile testing.
                                            ±10 to 200 kN
                               Maximum test force   (multiple capacities available)  Maximum test force  +6 kN/10 kN                  Axis Adjustment System
                                            RT to +100 °C                                      -196 to +300 °C (±6 kN)
                             Operating temperature range  -196 to 300 °C         Operating temperature range  -20 to +300 °C (±10 kN)  Consisting of an axis adjustment unit, axis center sensor testing sample, strain
                               Applicable sample  Rod                             Applicable sample  Flat plate (max. 30 mm wide and 5 mm thick)  amplifier unit, and dedicated axis adjustment software, this system allows
                                Metals     Plastics  Composite materials          Metals  Composite materials  Lumber  Plastics       adjusting the tilt between grips and adjusting the axis centers in the horizontal
                                                                                                                                      direction. It allows users to obtain highly reliable data by eliminating any
                                                                                                                                      bending stresses on samples.
                               Non-Shift Wedge Grip for                           Grips for CT Test Samples + Clip Gauge
                               Static Testing                                                                                            Metals     Plastics   Composite materials
                             These grips can only be used for static testing.   These compact grips are designed specifically for tensile
                                                                                test samples and are compliant with ASTM E399 and
                             These high-capacity grips apply the self-tightening   E1820 standards. They can be used for tests performed                                                                                                      Servo Controller 4830  Controller for Dynamic and Fatigue Testing Systems
                             action of a wedge.
                                                                                to determine fracture toughness or crack propagation.
                             Note: Supports only tensile testing.
                                                                                Note: Supports only tensile testing.
                                            ±20 to 250 kN                         Maximum test force  ±6 to 80 kN
                               Maximum test force
                                            (multiple capacities available)                    RT to +100 °C
                                                                                 Operating temperature range
                              Operating temperature range  0 to +120 °C                        -20 to 300 °C
                               Applicable sample  Rod / flat plate                Applicable sample  CT test sample
                               Metals  Composite materials  Lumber  Plastics        Metals    Plastics  Composite materials
                                                                                                                                      Various Environmental Control Testing
            Bolt Testing Jigs
                               Screw Tensile Test Jig                             Screw Looseness Test Device                         Various environmental control testing systems are required to simulate harsh
                                                                                This device allows testing various parameters to      environments or environments where materials are actually used, such as
                                                                                determine the loosening process of bolts. It applies a   thermostatic, high-temperature, or extremely low-temperature environments.
                             This jig is for tensile fatigue testing of various nuts                                                  Therefore, an environmental control system can be added in the large testing
                             and bolts. Various grips sizes are available       vibrational displacement in the thread tightening     space provided by the Servopulser series system.
                             depending on the bolt size.                        direction and in the perpendicular direction and then   See page 58.
                                                                                measures the change in tightening force in relation to                                                                                                         Various Dynamic Testing Systems
                                                                                the number of vibrations.                                Metals
                                                                                  Maximum test force  ±20 kN
                               Maximum test force  ±100/250 kN                                 RT to +100 °C
                              Operating temperature range  RT to +50 °C          Operating temperature range  -20 to +300 °C
                               Applicable sample  Nuts/bolts                      Applicable sample  CT test sample
                                Metals     Plastics  Composite materials            Metals    Plastics  Composite materials

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