Page 15 - Shimadzu Dynamic and Fatigue Testing Systems
P. 15


                       Model              EHF         EHF          EHF         EHF          EHF         EHF
                                        -EV051k1     -EV051k2    -EV101k1     -EV101k2    -EV200k1     -EV200k2
                  Max. dynamic test force      ±50kN                    ±100kN                   ±200kN
                   Max. static test force      ±60kN                    ±120kN                   ±240kN             EHF Series  Electric Hydraulic Dynamic and Fatigue Testing System
                    Actuator stroke      ±25mm       ±50mm        ±25mm       ±50mm        ±25mm       ±50mm
                 Cycle speed and amplitude                      See amplitude characteristics charts.
                    Controlled items                        Test force and stroke (two can be added as options)
                          Range                                       24-bit rangeless
             Test force
                       Indication accuracy     Within 0.5 % of indicated value or ±0.02 % of maximum dynamic test force, whichever is greater
                 Crosshead drive mechanism                      Hydraulic drive (with hydraulic clamp)
                                                           QF-10B, QF-20B, QF-40B, QF-70B, QF-110, QF-140
              Applicable hydraulic power supply unit
                                                                     AF-10B, AF-20B
                   Power requirements                Varies depending on the hydraulic power supply unit (see pages 34 and 35).

            Testing Machine Main Unit Dimensions
                                                                            C                  D                    EMT/NJ-SERVO/MMT Series  Electric Fatigue and Endurance Test System
                            C                     D



                                          E                                            E

                                                                                      200kN                         Servo Controller 4830  Controller for Dynamic and Fatigue Testing Systems

                      Capacity                 50kN                     100kN                    200kN
                    Actuator stroke     ±25mm        ±50mm       ±25mm       ±50mm        ±25mm        ±50mm
                                           Standard +  Standard +  Standard +   Standard +   Standard +  Standard +
                    Column length    Standard    Standard     Standard    Standard     Standard     Standard
                                             600         600         600          600          400         400
                                      65 to  365 to  40 to  340 to  40 to  340 to  15 to  315 to  200 to  400 to  175 to  375 to
                              A        760  1360   735   1335  735   1335   710  1310   995   1395   970   1370
             Testing space (mm)
                              B                                          560
                              C                 980                      980                     1170
               Main unit
              dimensions (mm)  D                750                      750                      850
                              E       1965  2565   1965  2565  1965  2565  1965  2565   2405  2805   2405  2805      Various Dynamic Testing Systems
                    Weight (kg)* 1/ * 2  840  900  850   910   880   940    890   950   1500  1580   1520  1600

                 Frame rigidity (mm/kN)* 3     0.0012                   0.0012                   0.00065
            *1 Including actuator weight. Test jigs are not included.
            *2 Weight may vary slightly depending on the type and number of servo valves.
            *3 When the distance between the crosshead and the table is 500 mm

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