Page 11 - Shimadzu Dynamic and Fatigue Testing Systems
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Extensive Experience in a Wide Variety of Fields  Evaluating Strain Rate Dependence

 From dynamic testing in automotive, aircraft, train, shipbuilding, healthcare, and construction fields to fatigue testing of materials, Shimadzu has   In order to accommodate increasingly sophisticated designs, computers are now being used in
 developed various dynamic testing machines for all sorts of fields. Shimadzu's extensive dynamic testing experience is available for consulting   design simulation technologies. In particular, to ensure safety with respect to impacts or
 with customers.  determine the behavior during impact fracture, material property parameters are measured at
            speeds experienced during actual operation or the simulated deformation rate. Using these
 Dynamic Evaluation of Automotive, Aircraft, Rail,   parameters in calculations can contribute significantly to calculation results.
 Ship, and Various Other Transportation Equipment  High-Speed Impact Testing at Speeds Up to 20 m/sec
 Increasing the reliability of transportation equipment used to carry people and   This high-speed impact testing system integrates several of Shimadzu's advanced technologies, such as
 freight involves a variety of dynamic testing requirements, from various design   actuators engineered for high-speed testing and shock-absorbing mechanisms that minimize the effects from
 verification work to evaluation of endurance. Shimadzu dynamic testing   impact testing, to realize a maximum impact speed of 20 m/sec (72 km/h).
 systems can be configured to meet unique customer requirements by
 combining various standard models or utilizing customized actuators and
 loading frames based on Shimadzu's extensive track record and experience.

                                                                                        High-Speed Impact Testing System
                                                                                           Hydroshot HITS Series

 Multiple Jack System on the Railway Rail
 System Installed for East Japan Railway Company
 Load Testing for Large-Scale Structural Members
 The ground strength, bearing capacity of pilings, stability of basic structural
 members, etc. are evaluated by applying static and dynamic loads on large
 structural members using the Shimadzu Servopulser jack system to determine
 the relationship between test force and displacement. For load testing, actuator
 endurance and stable control technology are essential.
 Shimadzu offers support for a wide range of evaluations, such as evaluating structural
 members made with new materials, evaluating the endurance of large-scale
 structural members, and inspecting old building structural members.
 Loading Test System for Steel Structural Members
            For Reducing the Time Required for

 Evaluating Implants and Biological Materials  Fatigue Testing of Metal Materials and
 Implants and other products in the biomedical industry must be subjected to
 various design verification testing and endurance evaluation before they can be   Gigacycle Fatigue Testing  1000
 released to the market. Shimadzu electromagnetic force and pneumatic
 Servopulser systems are ideal for clean environments and are capable of highly   Now that materials used in products are procured from around the world, it is   20 Hz
 accurate testing at low load levels. Therefore, they are used to evaluate the   especially important to evaluate the material properties when receiving materials.   Electric Hydraulic Servopulser
                                                                                         300 Hz
 endurance of knee, hip, and spinal implants or in human kinematic research.
            With cycle rates up to 20 kHz, the USF-2000 Ultrasonic Fatigue Testing System is   High-Cycle Fatigue and Endurance Testing Machine
            able to accelerate fatigue life evaluations of metal materials. This means it can   Testing time (hour) 100  1kHz
            perform tests of 10  cycles, which would normally take 3.2 years at 100 Hz, in only   10  20 kHz Ultrasonic Fatigue Testing System
            six days. This exceeds the gigacycle level to achieve ultrahigh efficiency.
             For example ...
             Assume a 10  cycle test is performed at 20 Hz and 20 kHz.          0.1
                                                                                  10 6  10 7  10 8  10 9  10 10  10 11
                Other fatigue testing machine
                                          20Hz                                                        2 months
 Dynamic and Fatigue Testing in Controlled
 Servopulser systems can be fitted with an environmental control system that
 reproduces loads under high temperature or severe environmental conditions or   1000 Times
 under environmental conditions experienced during actual usage. This system   Ultrasonic Fatigue Testing System  20kHz  1.5 hours  Faster
 accommodates a variety of testing requirements, such as testing at high
 temperatures, in a vacuum or gas atmosphere, or thermal fatigue testing.  Resistance Heat High-Temperature Testing System

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