Page 7 - Shimadzu Dynamic and Fatigue Testing Systems
P. 7

Stable Input Waveform  Measures Even Slight Differences in Performance

 Due to the highly controlled response and accurate waveform   Dynamic testing machines apply a load waveform to a product and measure the corresponding
 reproducibility of Shimadzu dynamic and fatigue testing machines,   response. The precise and reliable waveform input provided by Shimadzu dynamic testing
 they can apply loads to products based on highly precise input   machines and controllers allows identification of even slight differences in product
 waveforms.  performance and helps provide feedback for product design.
 Providing such a stable input waveform ensures that material fatigue
 testing can be performed with high accuracy and high reproducibility.   For example ...
 Therefore, even slight differences in product performance or
            A variety of parts is used to achieve a comfortable ride in automobiles. To improve the performance of those
 endurance can be evaluated.  parts, data from evaluating their characteristics is essential. Therefore, the damping force is measured as test
            frequency is varied. Shock absorber performance can be confirmed by measuring the relationship between
            velocity and damping force or the response to a Lissajous or other waveform. The input waveform is
            important for evaluating slight differences in performance.

 24-Bit  10 kHz   Autotuning and
 High Resolution  High-Speed Feedback  Automatic Gain Control
 PID Control
 World's Highest Resolution  World's Fastest Feedback  Functions

 Two-Degree-of-Freedom PID Control Minimizes Effects from External Disturbances
 The control method (two-degree-of-freedom PID control) is able to optimize the target response for specified signals and the response to external noise. Optimizing
 the control parameters using the autotuning feature helps maximize the system performance. The 24-bit high-resolution measurement function and 10 kHz
 high-speed feedback ensure even sharp changes in test force or stroke can be controlled reliably.
                                              Lissajous Waveform
 Response with respect to the target value  Response with respect to external disturbances
 Excellent rise and
 Control Signal  Control Signal  consistency with
 Conveutional Control  Conveutional Control  specified signal
 Two-Degree-of-freedom PID Control  Two-Degree-of-freedom PID Control
            Electric-Hydraulic Dynamic and Fatigue Testing System
                       EHF-U Series                                      Velocity vs. Damping Force Waveform
                Two-Axis Shock Absorber Testing System
 Excellent rise and
 consistency with
 specified signal
              Impressive Waveform Reproducibility
            The 10 kHz high-speed feedback and 24-bit high resolution provides highly precise control waveforms for all measurement ranges.
            Tests can be done with accurately controlled waveforms even in cases where the frequency of the input waveform varies, such for assemblies or finished products, or
            when the status of the item being tested changes from hour to hour.
 Autotuning Function
 The autotuning function accurately reproduces target waveforms by
 automatically determining optimal control parameters. Simply set up the sample   Accurately reproduces   Frequency-sweep
                                                 AGC function
 target waveforms
 in a similar state as for the intended testing and then specify the preload. Then
 the function automatically tunes the manually adjusted control parameters.
 Control Signal  Control Signal
 Automatically selects
 optimal control parameters
 Control Signal  Control Signal
            If tests are affected by servo valve frequency characteristics or PID control
            settings are inadequate, then the amplitude can vary depending on the
            frequency, as shown above. However, the frequency-sweep AGC function
 Time (sec)  Time (sec)  corrects the amplitude to keep it constant at all frequency levels.  Dedicated Shock Absorber Testing Software

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