Page 2 - Shimadzu Dynamic and Fatigue Testing Systems
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Your Partner for Dynamic and Fatigue Tests

            The level and complexity of product reliability and safety requirements have been increasing in many industrial  elds. Complying
            with such requirements requires performing a wide variety of tests and evaluations at each stage of production, from research
            and development of materials to evaluation of  nished products.
            Materials and parts can sometimes form cracks from repeated exposure to even small forces and, in the worst case, even
            completely fail. Therefore, for products that are exposed to repetitive loads, such as automobiles, mobile phones and other
            frequently handled items, and arti cial bones and other biological materials or implants, it is essential that materials, parts, and
             nished products be evaluated by dynamic/fatigue testing and endurance/reliability testing. In addition, to more closely
            approximate actual usage conditions, an increasing number of tests used in research and development of various materials with
            special functional properties require more complicated and accurate control or measurement methods.
            Therefore, Shimadzu offers a wide variety of testing machines that can be con gured to satisfy increasingly sophisticated and
            diverse evaluation and testing requirements in a wide range of  elds.
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