Page 87 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Safety
P. 87

Application                  Food Additives / Nexera X2

                                         Fast and High Sensitivity Analysis of Six
                                         Preservatives in Beverages by UHPLC with

            No. AD-0095                  Photodiode Array Detection

              Introduction                                    Instrumental and Analytical Conditions
            Food preservatives  are additives to inhibit, retard or   A  Nexera X2 UHPLC  system (Shimadzu Corporation,
            prevent mould, acidification or other  deterioration of   Japan) was used in this work. The system is consisted of
            foodstuffs caused by microbial contamination. The most   a high pressure binary gradient solvent delivery unit (LC-
            commonly used preservatives in beverages are benzoic   30AD pumps) and  an UHPLC autosampler (SIL-30AC)
            acid,  sorbic acid and  four parahydroxybenzoic acid   coupled to a photodiode array  detector  (SPD-M30A)
            esters  (parabens). However,  excess  amounts of these   with a high sensitivity capillary flow cell (85 mm optical
            additives can  be harmful  to  consumer health. In  this   path length) featured  as total reflection and low
            regard, the  minimum permissible concentrations of   dispersion. A YMC Triart C18 column of 1.9 μm particle
            preservatives are regulated in most countries to ensure   size (150 mmL. × 2.0 mm l.D.) was used for the separation
            safety for consumer * . Therefore, quantitative analysis   of preservatives (benzoic acid, sorbic acid  and methyl,
            of these preservatives in food is not only required for   ethyl, propyl,  butyl parabens) with an  optimized linear
            food quality assurance but also important for consumer   gradient program  developed.  The details of the  LC
            interest  and  protection.  High performance liquid   conditions are shown in Table 2.
            chromatography (HPLC) has been used for analysis of the
            preservatives in  beverage *  *  * . In this  Application
            News, a new rapid and high sensitivity UHPLC method       Table 2  Analytical Conditions of Preservatives
                                                                          in Beverages on Nexera X2 UHPLC
            for simultaneous determination of the six preservatives
            in beverages is described. A  gradient elution was   Column    : YMC Triart C18 1.9 μm 150 × 2.0 mm l.D.
                                                                Flow Rate
                                                                           : 0.45 mL/min
            optimized for separation and quantitation of the six   Mobile Phase  : A: 1.5 % acetic acid + 1.5 % ammonium
            preservatives with a photodiode array detector.                   acetate in H2O
                                                                            B: 1.5 % ammonium acetate in MeOH
            A capillary flow cell with extra long optical path of   Elution Mode  : Gradient elution: 40 % B (0.01 to 4.0 min) →
            85 mm was employed to achieve high sensitivity for a            80 % B (4.01 to 5.5 min) → 40 % B (5.51 to 8.5 min)
            very small injection amount of sample (1 μL) which was   Oven Temp.  : 45 °C
            not cleaned up except filtration.                   Injection Volume : 1 μL
                                                                Detection (PDA) : Wavelength 240 to 600 nm; Ref: 720 nm
                                                                            Quant, 240 nm for benzoic acid, 260 nm for
                                                                            other compounds
              Experimental
            Preparation of Standards and Samples
            Benzoic acid,  sorbic acid and parabens were  obtained
            from chemicals suppliers.  A mixed stock solution of
            1.0 g/L  of  benzoic acid,  sorbic acid and methyl,  ethyl,
            propyl, butyl parabens were prepared with ethanol/water
            (70/30) solvent as the diluent.  A  set  of  nine  working
            standards was prepared from the stock solution using
            the same diluent at the concentrations shown in Table 1.
            Soft drink, mango juice and cocoa drink were purchased
            at the local supermarket.  The soft drink and mango
            juice were diluted 20  times and 2 times  with diluent
            respectively while cocoa drink was not diluted. All the
            samples were filtered through a 0.45 μm syringe filter
            prior to injection to UHPLC.

                 Table 1  Concentrations of Working Standards of Six
                   Preservatives for Setting Calibration Curves
                  Working   Benzoic acid   Sorbic acid   Parabens
                  Standard   (mg/L)     (mg/L)    (mg/L)
              1     S1        0.2       0.008      0.01
              2     S2        2.0        0.08       0.1
              3     S3        4.0        0.16       0.2
              4     S4        20.0       0.8        1.0
              5     S5        60.0       2.4        3.0
              6     S6        80.0       3.2        4.0
              7     S7        100.0      4.0        5.0
              8     S8        150.0      6.0        7.5
              9     S9        200.0      8.0       10.0
   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92