Page 92 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Safety
P. 92

Application   No. AD-0096 N

            Calibration Curves, Range and Linearity
            Linear calibration curves of the thirteen bisphenols are
            established using mixed standards  samples for
            concentrations ranging from 5 μg/L to  2000 μg/L as
            shown in Fig. 3. A total of 12 concentration levels were
            used with each compound in the mixture being 5, 10,
            20, 50. 100,  200, 400, 600, 800, 1200, 1500 and
            2000 μg/L. All of the thirteen bisphenols peaks give
            excellent linearity with  R  greater than 0.999 as
            tabulated in Table 2.

                            Calibration Curves of the Thirteen Bisphenols with Concentration Range from 5 μg/L to 2,000 μg/L

            Evaluation of Method Performance

            The accuracy of the method at every calibration levels
            were calculated and the average accuracy values for
            every compounds are presented in Table 2. To evaluate
            repeatability of the method, six consecutive runs of the
            lowest concentration mixed standard sample (5 μg/L)
            and a mixed standard sample of 100 μg/L were
            The RSD values for the 5 μg/L mixed standards are less
            than 2.3 %, while RSD values for 100 μg/L concentration
            level are less than 1 %, as can be seen in Table 2. The limit
            of detection  (LODs) and  limit of quantification  (LOQs)
            were determined from the chromatogram of the lowest
            concentration  mixed standards (5 μg/L) as  shown  in
            Fig. 4, following the rule of S/N=3 for LOD and S/N=10
            for LOQ. The  obtained LODs  and LOQs are at 0.4  to    UHPLC-RF Chromatogram of Mixed Standards of Thirteen
            1.6 μg/L, and 1.5 to 4.7 μg/L for the thirteen bisphenols     Bisphenols, 5 μg/L each Compound
            (Table 2).
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