Page 89 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Safety
P. 89

Application   No. AD-0095

            Analysis of Beverage Samples                         Conclusions
            The UHPLC method established was applied  for      A rapid and high sensitivity UHPLC  method  for
            quantitation of preservatives in three kinds of beverages:   quantitation of six preservatives, benzoic acid, sorbic acid
            soft drink  B1, fruit  juice  B2 and  cocoa drink  B3.  The   and four para-hydroxybenzoic acid esters (parabens), in
            chromatograms of the samples are shown in Fig. 4 and   beverages was established using a reversed phase UHPLC
            the results are summarized into Table 5. No preservatives   column (1.9 μm particle size). A capillary flow cell with
            was detected in cocoa drink. Benzoic acid and sorbic acid   extra long optical path of 85 mm was employed in the
            were detected in the soft  drink and  fruit juice. The   photodiode array detector. The method achieves LOQs
            identification of both benzoic acid and sorbic acid peaks   ranging 8 to 10 μg/L for the compounds except
            were confirmed by UV spectra.                      benzoic acid  (280 μg/L), with 1 μL injection volume.
                                                               The very small injection volume minimizes the
                                                               contamination of beverage samples to the column and
                                                               system, as such suitable for direct analysis of beverage
                                                               samples without need for clean up procedure.

                                                               *  :  Singapore  Agri-Food  and  Veterinary Services website: Food
                                                                  Regulations – AVA (2014)
                                                               *  :  United States Department of  Agriculture Food Safety and
                                                                  Inspection Service, Office of Public Health Science: Determination
                                                                  of Benzoic  acid, Sorbic  acid and Methyl, Ethyl, Propyl  and Butyl
                                                                  Parabens by HPLC (2004)
                                                               *  :  Tzu-Yun Chu, Chine-Lin Chen  and  Hsueh-Fang Wang, A Rapid
                                                                  Method for the Simultaneous Determination of Preservatives in Soy
                                                                  Sauce, Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, Vol. 11, No. 3, Pages
                                                                  246-250 (2003)
                                                               *  :  Shu-Xiang Sun, Shu-Bai Li and Pei Yao, Simultaneous Determination
                                                                  of Six Preservatives in Beverage by HPLC, 3rd International Conference
                                                                  on Material, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (2015)

                  Chromatogram of Beverage Samples (Injection: 1 mL):
                     Soft Drink with 20 Times Dilution (top);
                       Fruit Drink with 2 Times Dilutions;
                     Cocoa Drink without Dilution (Bottom)

               Table 5  Quantitative Results of Six Preservatives in Three
                    Beverages, Each with Duplicate Injections
                      Benzoicacid  Sorbicacid   Parabens
              Name    RT   Conc.   RT   Conc.   RT   Conc.
                     (min)   (mg/L)   (min)  (mg/L)   (min)   (mg/L)
               B1     1.7   82.4  2.18  137.4
               B2     1.7  142.4  2.18  13.8      ND
               B3              ND

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