Page 91 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Safety
P. 91

Application   No. AD-0096 N

              Experimental                                      Results and Discussion
            Instrumental and Analytical Conditions             Development of Fast UHPLC Method
            An UHPLC system - Nexera X2 (Shimadzu Corporation)   For well separation of the thirteen bisphenols studied, a
            equipped with a fluorescence detector (RF-20Axs) was   reference HPLC method has a long running time of
            employed in this work. Separation of bisphenol A (BPA),   95 mins. As shown in Fig. 3, the current UHPLC method
            bisphenol F (BPF) and other 11 derivatives are performed   was optimized to achieve fast elution for every compounds
            using a Shim-pack HR-ODS column (250 × 3.0 mm, 3 μm)   with sufficient separation resolution,  especially  for  the
            with an optimized gradient elution program. Pure water   separation of BADGE-H 2O and BADGE-H 2O-HCl at 19.4
            and acetonitrile (ACN) were used as UHPLC mobile phases   and  19.9 mins. Due  to the similarity in compound
            without any additive. The detailed analytical conditions   structure and chemical properties, separation of these
            of the UHPLC method are shown in Table 1.          two peaks was a main obstacle to achieve fast analysis
                                                               speed. The results obtained show clearly the advantages
                                                               of an UHPLC column with small particle size (3 μm) of the
            Standards and Spiked Milk Samples                  C18 stationary phase.
            A mixed standard stock solution of thirteen bisphenols   The main targets BPA (18.1 min) and BPF (13.4 min),
            (Refer to  Table 2) containing BPA, BPF  and  other   BADGE (34.3 min) are separated completely without
            derivative compounds were prepared in ACN/H 2O (30:70).   any inference. BFDGE has two positional isomers,
            A serial of calibration standards of concentrations from   which appeared as  a pair  at 28.8 min and 30.0 min,
            5 μg/L to 2,000 μg/L were prepared from the stock to set   respectively.
            up multi-point calibration curves. Two blank milk matrix
            spiked with known concentrations of standards (100 and   Noted that, another pair of positional isomers BFDGE-
            1,000 μg/L) obtained from a third party laboratory were   2HCl appeared just before the BFDGE peaks at 26.9 min
            used for evaluation of the method performance.     and 27.9 min, respectively.

               Table 1  UHPLC Conditions of Bisphenols and Derivatives
             Column      :  Shim-pack HR-ODS (250 × 3.0 mm, 3 μm)
             Mobile phase   :  A: Water B: Acetonitrile
             Elution program   :  0.1 min, 30 % B; 13 min, 45 % B; 37 min, 70 %
                          B; 38 to 43 min, 85 % B; 43.1 min, 30 % B.
             Flow rate   :  0.40 mL/min
             Detection   :  Ex 235 nm, Em 317 nm
             Oven temp.   :  30 ºC
             Injection   : 10 μL

                                                                    UHPLC-RF Chromatogram of Mixed Standards of Thirteen
                                                                      Bisphenols at Concentration of 100 μg/L Each

                      Table 2  Summary of UHPLC Method and Performance Evaluation Results for Analysis of Thirteen Bisphenols
                                                  Calibration range:
                                     Ret Time                            RSD (%), n=6         Sensitivity **
              ID #      Name                        5-2000 μg/L
                                                 R 2    Accuracy (%) *  5 μg/L  100 μg/L   LOD (μg/L)   LOQ (μg/L)
               1      BFDGE-2H2O       7.9      0.9998     100.9       1.0       0.9        0.7        2.0
               2      BADGE-2H2O       9.5      0.9991     98.7        0.4       0.4        0.4        1.2
               3         BPF           13.4     0.9997     101.7       0.7       0.3        0.8        2.5
               4         BPA           18.1     0.9997     101.2       0.8       0.3        1.0        3.1
               5     BADGE-H2O-HCL     19.4     0.9998     101.5       0.5       0.3        0.5        1.5
               6       BADGE-H2O       19.9     0.9997     103.2       0.3       0.3        0.5        1.5
               7      BFDGE-2HCL-1     26.9     0.9996     98.8        0.6       0.1        1.5        4.6
               8      BFDGE-2HCL-2     27.8     0.9997     100.8       2.3       0.2        1.2       3.6
               9        BFDGE-1        28.9     0.9997     99.3        0.9       0.3        1.4        4.2
              10        BFDGE-2        30.0     0.9997     101.3       1.2       0.4        1.6        4.7
              11      BADGE-2HCL       31.8     0.9997     98.9        1.8       0.3        0.6        1.7
              12       BADGE-HCL       33.0     0.9997     101.7       0.5       0.4        0.7        2.2
              13        BADGE          34.3     0.9997     100.7       1.0       0.5        0.5        1.6
            *   : Average of 12 concentration levels 5-2000 μg/L
            **  : Estimated using 5 μg/L mixed stds data based on S/N=3 for LOD and S/N=10 for LOQ
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