Page 53 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Development
P. 53


             Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer

            The LCMS-8060 is the latest in Shimadzu’s Ultra-Fast Mass Spectrometry product line, designed to deliver you the highest
            sensitivity and fastest analysis speed of any LCMS on the market today.

                    Highest Sensitivity
            A newly developed UF-Qarray boosts ion intensity but suppresses
            noise. By improving the ion sampling device, the ion guide, and   Heated ESI Probe
            vacuum ef ciency, Shimadzu has achieved an unprecedented
            sensitivity in LCMS.                                         Drying Gas

                    Fastest Speed                               Heating Gas
            Shimadzu’s proprietary technologies allow acquisition of up to 555   DL (Desolvation Line)  UF-Qarray  UF-Lens
            MRM channels per second, ultra-fast polarity switching, and ultra-fast
            scanning, all with high data quality.               Solutions  Fusion of sensitivity and speed
            UFscanning: Max. 30,000 u/sec
            UFswitching: 5 msec                                 Don’t miss an exciting performance results in next page!!
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