Page 58 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Development
P. 58

Application  No.A524

            The score plot obtained by PCA is shown in Fig. 13.   Results of the cluster analysis are shown in Fig. 15.
            Pure olive oils are clustered in the positive direction   Compared to the results obtained based on
            along the dominant PC-1 axis and extra virgin olive oils   absorbance, the A2 E and B1 E samples are included in
            are clustered in the negative direction along the   the pure olive oil group. This result also shows that
            dominant PC-1 axis. This shows the olive oil types have   while these samples are extra virgin olive oils, they tend
            been separated.                                    to be closer to pure olive oils. Using emission light
            Compared to the score plot created based on        spectra, we could predict which extra virgin olive oils
            absorbance, the A2 E and B1 E samples are positioned   are likely to contain more vitamins.
            closer to the pure olive oil samples. While A2 E and B1 E
            are both extra virgin olive oils, we can predict they are
            similar to pure olive oils. The loading plot is shown in
            Fig. 14. It shows a characteristic of the pure olive oils is
            for strong signals at emission light analysis points A
            through D, which are points predicted to be derived
            from vitamins.

                        Tends to be        Tends to be
                        extra virgin olive oil  pure olive oil

                                   C1 E
                 50000                  A2 E
                              C2 E                                  0  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8  9   10
                                                                                Relative Distance
                 20000            B2 E
               PC-2 (1 %)  -10000  B1 E  B1 E    B1 P           Fig. 15  Cluster Analysis Result Based on Olive Oil Absorbance
                -20000    F1 E   B3 E                          Q Conclusion
                                                               Shimadzu UV-2700 UV-VIS spectrophotometer was used
                -30000     A1 E   D1 E                         to measure absorption spectra. Results showed the extra
                -40000                        A1 P             virgin olive oils have a higher absorbance than the pure
                -50000                                         olive oils. Next, the three-dimensional emission spectra of
                  -1000000           0            1000000      olive oils were measured using Shimadzu RF-6000
                                 PC-1 (99 %)
                                                               spectrofluorophotometer. Differences in emission light
                  Fig. 13  Score Plot Based on Olive Oil Absorbance  intensity and peak width were confirmed in the three-
                                                               dimensional emission spectra results. Multivariate
                                                               analysis was then performed based on each spectrum.
                0.2                                            This allowed successful differentiation between the extra
                                                               virgin olive oils and pure olive oils, while results obtained
                 0                                             from the RF-6000 allowed identification of extra virgin
                                                               olive oils particularly similar to pure olive oils.
              PC-2 (1 %)  -0.2                                 <Acknowledgments>
                                                               We are grateful to Kazumi Hashimoto of the Polymer Photonics
                                                               Laboratory, Master's Program of Innovative Materials, Graduate School
                                                               of Science and Technology, Kyoto Institute of Technology for providing
                                                               assistance in performing these measurements.
               -0.6                                            1) The UnscrambleršX is a trademark or registered trademark of
                                                                 CAMO Software.

                    -1             -0.5            0
                                  PC-1 (99 %)

                 Fig. 14  Loading Plot Based on Olive Oil Absorbance

                                                                                                     First Edition: Dec. 2016

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