Page 57 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Development
P. 57

Application  No.A524

            Table 2 shows the measurement conditions used. A           Table 2  RF-6000 Measurement Conditions
            filter (IHU310) that blocks light below 310 nm was
                                                                  Optional Accessory   : Solid sample holder, IHU310
            placed in the path of emission light to prevent high-  Spectrum Type       : 3D spectrum
            order excitation light reaching the detector. Fig. 10   Measurement Wavelength Range  : Ex 200 nm to 800 nm
                                                                                         Em 250 nm to 800 nm
            shows two of the three-dimensional spectral diagrams   Scanning Speed      : 6000 nm/min
            obtained. Emission light predicted to be derived from   Wavelength Interval   : Ex 5.0 nm, Em 1.0 nm
            chlorophyll was confirmed at Em 680 nm in both        Bandwidth            : Ex 5.0 nm, Em 5.0 nm
            samples. Emission light at this wavelength was detected   Sensitivity      : Low
            more strongly from extra virgin olive oil samples
            compared to pure olive oil samples. Also, strong
            emission light in the vicinity of Em 400 nm was mainly   250000
            detected from pure olive oil samples. This 400 nm
            emission light is predicted to be derived from vitamins.
            Fig. 11 compares a pure olive oil and an extra virgin
            olive oil showing emission spectra obtained at an      150000
            excitation wavelength of 300 nm. The excitation light   Emission Light Intensity 200000
            region shown in Fig. 11 is indicated by the white dotted   100000
            lines in Fig. 10. The emission spectra show different
            peak strengths and peak tail shapes between 300 nm
            and 500 nm.                                            50000
              Emission wavelength (nm)/excitation wavelength (nm)     250.0  300.0  400.0     500.0     600.0
                                               800  200000                   Emission Spectrum (nm) (Ex: 300.0 nm)
                                               500  100000
                                                    50000          150000
                                               300                Emission Light Intensity 200000
                                                    0              100000
                300  400   500   600   700   800
              Emission wavelength (nm)/excitation wavelength (nm)  50000
                                               800  200000
                                                    150000            250.0  300.0  400.0     500.0     600.0
                                                                             Emission Spectrum (nm) (Ex: 300.0 nm)
                                                                 Fig. 11  Emission Spectrum of Olive Oils Excited at 300 nm
                                               500  100000             Top: A1 P, Bottom: F1 E
                300  400   500   600   700   800
                  Fig. 10  Three-Dimensional Spectra of Olive Oils
                       Top: A1 P, Bottom: F1 E

            Q Multivariate Analysis Based on Three-Dimensional
            Similar to absorbance analysis, a multivariate
            analysis was performed on the three-dimensional
            spectra to differentiate between pure olive oils and
            extra virgin olive oils. Emission light intensity at the
            10 points shown in Fig. 12 (A through J) was used        Fig. 12  Analysis Points for Multivariate Analysis
            for this analysis.
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