Page 54 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Development
P. 54

High-Sensitivity Quantitation of Catecholamines in Plasma
            Catecholamines in plasma, namely norepinephrine (NE),
            epinephrine (EP) and dopamine (DA), are routinely measured
            in the research of such diseases as hypertension or
            neuroblastoma. Since plasma samples contain endogenous   ×10 6    Quantitative range of neat and matrix-matched calibration curves
            catecholamines, it is difcult to evaluate the LLOQ in plasma   3.0  2  1. Norepinephrine
                                                                   2. Epinephrine
            matrix. Here we used deuterated catecholamine compounds   3. Dopamine        Neat standard curve  Matrix-matched
                                                                     Standard  Compound name  Range  Linearity  Range  Linearity
            as standards to estimate the LLOQ in plasma matrix, rather   2.0  Deuterated  (pg/mL)  (r 2 )  (pg/mL)  (r 2 )
                                                                     3        Norepinephrine-d6
            than as internal standards for quantitation.                                2.5 – 2000  0.9999  2.5 – 2000  0.9997
                                                               1               (158.1 > 111.1)
            A neat standard curve was prepared by serial dilution in   1.0     Epinephrine-d6
            HPLC solvent, whereas a matrix-matched standard curve was          (190.1 > 172.1)  10 – 2000  0.9999  10 – 2000  0.9994
            prepared by dilution with pooled plasma sample treated with   0.0  (158.1 > 95.1)  5 – 2000  0.9999  10 – 2000  0.9995
            SPE. The table on the right summarizes the quantitation   Representative MRM chromatograms
            results, which convincing demonstrate the capability of   of 3 catecholamines
            LCMS-8060 to detect catecholamines at ultra-high sensitivity
            without matrix interference.
                                         Norepinephrine  Norepinephrine-d6  Epinephrine  Epinephrine-d6  Dopamine  Dopamine-d4
                                         ×10 4        ×10 4       ×10 5       ×10 5      2.0  ×10 5  2.0  ×10 5
            In the actual quantitation assay,
            deuterated catecholamines are   7.5  300 pg/mL  7.5  500 pg/mL  5.0  5.0  500 pg/mL  1.5  1.5  500 pg/mL
            spiked as internal standard at 500
                                       5.0  blank   5.0            300 pg/mL             1.0   300 pg/mL  1.0
            pg/mL in plasma and analyzed by                     2.5         2.5                spiked
            LCMS-8060. The gures on the right   2.5  2.5                                0.5         0.5
                                                                   blank       blank       blank        blank
            show the MRM chromatograms of
                                       0.0          0.0         0.0         0.0          0.0         0.0
            spiked and endogenous        0.5  2.5 min  0.5  2.5 min  1.0  2.5  min  1.0  2.5  min  2.5  5.0 min  2.5  5.0min
            catecholamines in plasma.              Detection of Norepinephrine, Epinephrine and Dopamine and their deuterated internal standards in plasma.
                ×10 4
              7.0                                                    1.4   Outstanding Durability
                 100 pg/mL Alprazolam in human plasma with internal standard
              6.0  m/z 309.05 > 281.10                               1.2
                  1st day  2nd day  3rd day   4th day  5th day  6th day    The robustness of the LCMS-8060 and modiˆed ion
              5.0                         A week                     1.0
                                                                           optics were assessed by injecting 2400 samples of
              Peak Area  3.0         Area Ratio 3.46 %RSD            0.6  Area Ratio  femto-gram levels of alprazolam spiked into
                                     Area Ratio 3.46 %RSD
                                                                           protein-precipitated human plasma extracts over a 6
              2.0                                                    0.4
                                     Peak Area 4.97 %RSD                   day period (over 400 samples were injected each day).
              1.0                        Vacuum                      0.2
                      Pause in batch  Pause in batch  system  Pause in batch  Pause in batch
                       analysis  analysis  vented  analysis  analysis      The RSD of peak area response was 5% over this test
              0.0                                                    0.0
                0       400     800      1200      1600    2000     2400   period; using a deuterated internal standard
                                       Injection number
                               Long term stability study on LCMS-8060      (alprazolam-d5) the RSD was 3.5%. As part of the
                (×10,000)           (×10,000)          (×10,000)           robustness test the vacuum system was vented to
              1.00  1 st  injection  1.00  1200 th    1.00  2400 th  injection
              0.75               0.75  injection    0.75                   model a transient power failure with no effect on
                                                                           signal response or baseline noise level.
              0.50               0.50               0.50
              0.25               0.25               0.25
              0.00               0.00               0.00
                0.8  0.9  1.0  1.1  1.2  1.3 min  0.8  0.9  1.0  1.1  1.2  1.3 min  0.8  0.9  1.0  1.1  1.2  1.3 min
                    MRM chromatograms for the 1st, 1200th and 2400th measurements of Alprazolam
                             Intraday and interday variations on LCMS-8060
                                  Intraday Variation (%RSD)  Interday Variation (%RSD)
               Compound                                             6 Day
                         1st day  2nd day  3rd day  4th day  5th day  6th day  Days 1–3 Days 4–6
               Alprazolam  5.04  4.94  5.06  5.38  4.55  4.83  3.19  1.63  2.74
             Alprazolam-d5 (ISTD)  5.04  4.68  5.48  5.31  4.26  4.91  2.62  1.89  2.18
                Area ratio  3.48  3.11  3.48  3.44  3.71  3.54  1.79  0.26  1.40
                                               For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
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                                               products in your country.
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                                                                                                   © Shimadzu Corporation, 2016
                                                                                   First Edition: May 2015, Printed in Japan 3655-09621-30ANS
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