Page 51 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Development
P. 51


            Application                  Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry

            News                         Multi-Component Analysis of Five Beers


            Sensory test methods that present flavor and       n Beer Sample Preparation and Analysis
            t a s t e  in  n u m e r i c a l  t er m s  a r e  w i d e l y  us e d   An internal standard was added to 0.2 mL of degassed
            techniques for the quantitative evaluation of food   beer, and ultrafiltration was performed on this mixture
            quality. Recently, attempts have been made to      using a molecular weight cut off filter. The filtrate was
            obtain a greater amount of data by combining the   recovered, diluted 200 times, and then used for
            results of sensory tests with metabolomics data    simultaneous analysis by LC/MS. LC/MS analysis was
            that provides a comprehensive analysis of food     performed according to analytical conditions in the
            constituents. Combining comprehensive analytical   primary metabolite method package. The analytical
            data with use of multivariate analysis has become   conditions used are shown in Table 1. The MRM
            an effective option for elucidating the differences   chromatograms for three of the five beers (lager beer
            in a wide range of constituents. This combination   A, happoshu [low-malt beer], and non-alcoholic beer)
            of multivariate analysis and metabolomics          are shown in Fig. 1. These results show the types of
            promises to see application in areas of quality    various constituents, such as amino acids, found in the
            evaluation and quality improvement, as well as in   five beers differ greatly between the beers.
            the   development   of   foods   with   impr oved
            functional properties. In this article, we describe
            the simultaneous analysis of five commercially         (x10,000,000)
            available beers with a triple quadrupole mass        1.2
            spectrometer (LCMS-8060) using a primary             1.0    Pro                Lager beer A
            metabolite method package, and performing            0.8                Guanosine
            principal component analysis on the data set         0.6        Arg  GABA    Adenosine
            obtained using Traverse  TM  MS software. We
            classified the five beers based on differences in    0.4            Choline          Trp
            co nsti tuen t  co mpou nds,  and  conf irm ed       0.2                       Phe
            characteristic components in each beer. We then      0.0
            performed hierarchical clustering analysis to show     0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0(min)
            how these five beers are classified.                   (x1,000,000)
                                                                2.00    Pro       Guanosine
                         Table 1  Analytical Conditions         1.75                       Low-malt beer
                                                                1.50            Choline
                          LC Analytical Conditions                                        Adenosine
                   Column     : RP column                       1.00
                   Mobile Phase A  : 0.1 % Formic acid - Water  0.75              Cytidine
                   Mobile Phase B  : 0.1 % Formic acid - Acetonitrile  0.50
                   Flowrate   : 0.25 mL/min                     0.25
                   Mode       : Gradient elution                0.00
                                                                   0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0(min)
                          MS Analytical Conditions                 (x1,000,000)
                     Ionization Method   : ESI(+)/(-)           1.50
                     Nebulizing Gas Flow   : 2 L/min                  Non-alcoholic beer     Leu
                     Heating Gas Flow   : 10 L/min              1.25
                     Drying Gas Flow   : 10 L/min               1.00
                     Probe Voltage    : 4 kV(+)/-3 kV(-)        0.75                 Tyr  Ile
                     Interface Temperature      : 300 ˚C                    Arg
                     DL Temperature       : 250 ˚C              0.50     Lys                 Phe
                     Block Heater Temperature  : 400 ˚C         0.25           Val
                                                                   0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0(min)
                                                                       Fig. 1  MRM Chromatograms of Three Beers
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