Page 46 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Development
P. 46

Application  No.C132

            n LC/MS/MS Analysis
            Due to the difficulty of analyzing the chemical    automatically changing between the three analytical
            properties of primary and secondary metabolites under   methods (Fig. 3). Although we used four mobile phases
            the same chromatographic conditions, three         and three columns for this experiment, the system itself
            chromatographic conditions were chosen that differed   can accommodate up to eight mobile phases and six
            in mobile phase and column type. We used the Nexera   columns. The analytical conditions used are shown in
            method scouting system (comprehensive method       Table 1.
            search system) to perform measurements while

                                      Pump A

                      1  2
                   1: water               Auto Injector
                   2: 0.1 % formic acid-water                                              LCMS-8050

                                                       Column Oven
                                       Pump B
                                                      A: Discovery HS F5-3 (2.1 × 150 mm, 3 µm)
                                                      B: Inertsil ODS-4 (2.1 × 50 mm, 2 µm)
                      1  2                            C: Asahipak NH2P-50 2D (2.0 × 150 mm, 5 µm)

                   1: Acetonitrile
                   2: Acetonitrile / 2-propanol = 2/1

                                                   Fig. 3  System Configuration

                                                  Table 1  Analytical Conditions
             Conditions                Condition 1             Condition 2             Condition 3
                      Instrument                              UHPLC Nexera system (Shimadzu)
                                       Organic acids           Carotenoids             Sugars
                      Target Compounds  Amino acids

                                       A: Discovery HS F5-3    B: Inertsil ODS-4       C: Asahipak NH2P-50 2D
                      Column           (150 mm L. × 2.1 mm I.D., 3 µm)  (50 mm L. × 2.1 mm I.D., 2 µm)  (150 mm L. × 2.0 mm I.D., 5 µm)
                                       Sigma-aldrich           GL-science              Shodex
                      Column Oven Temp.                                 40 °C
                      Mobile Phase A   2: 0.1 % Formic acid-Water  1: Water            1: Water
                      Mobile Phase B   1: Acetonitrile         2: Acetonitrile / 2-Propanol = 2/1  1: Acetonitrile
                      Flowrate         0.25 mL/min             0.4 mL/min              0.4 mL/min
                                       0 %B (0-2 min.) ˠ 95 % (10-13 min.)  60 %B (0 min.) ˠ 100 % (5-8 min.)  65 %B (0-8 min.) ˠ 30 % (8-11 min.)
                      Time Program     ˠ 0 % (13.01-16 min.)   ˠ 60 % (8.01-10 min.)   ˠ 65 % (11.01-15 min.)
                      Measurement Time  16 min                 10 min                  15 min
                      Total Run Time                                   41 min
                      Injection Volume                                  2 µL
                      Instrument                                      LCMS-8050
               MS     Ionization                                      ESI (+ / −)
                      Mode                                              MRM
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