Page 41 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Development
P. 41


            Application                  Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry

            News                         Investigating Food Quality Evaluation: Complete Analysis

                                         of Aroma Compounds and Metabolites in Food

            There are a wide variety of methods of ensuring food   n Analytical Conditions
            quality evaluation, and which method is used depends   Table 1  Analytical Conditions for Aroma Compound Analysis
            on the food type and purpose of examination. An
            evaluation method widely implemented in recent years   Headspace sampler  : HS-20
            has been to analyze all various compounds present in   Triple quadrupole gas chromatograph mass spectrometer
            food, then to use multivariate analysis to find trends in                : GCMS-TQ8040
            these compounds that can be linked to food quality.
            Much research is being  conducted into the          HS
            measurement of all aroma compounds and metabolites   Mode                : Trap
            present in food, using these results as an indicator of   Trap Tube      : Tenax GR
                                                                                     : 5
                                                                Number of Multi-Injections
            food qualities such as flavor, functionality, and   Oven Temperature     : 70 °C
            deterioration.                                      Sample Line Temperature  : 150 °C
            This Application News presents the results of an    Transfer Line Temperature  : 150 °C
            experiment that set out to measure aroma compounds   Vial Pressurization Gas Pressure : 100 kPa
            and metabolites present in sake, and investigated which   Vial Warming Time  : 10 min
            of these compounds could be used to distinguish     Vial Pressurization Time  : 2 min
            between different sake types. Three commercially    Pressurization Equalization Time : 0.1 min
            available sakes, including a normal quality sake (futsu-  Loading Time   : 1 min
            shu), a sake made with rice and malted rice (junmai-  Loading Equalization Time  : 0.1 min
            shu), and sake made with the rice polished to at least   Injection Time  : 2 min
            50 % (daiginjo-shu), were analyzed for aroma        Needle Flush Time    : 5 min
            compounds and metabolites. The main compounds       Sample Charged Volume  : 1 mL
            found in these sakes were then identified and analyzed
            further. We were able to clearly separate a pattern of   GC
            detected compounds in these three types of sake.    Column               : HP-INNOWax
                                                                                      (60 m × 0.25 mm I.D., 0.25 µm)
            Combining this method of quality control with       Carrier Gas          : He
            conventional methods such as sensory evaluation will   Control Mode      : Linear velocity (25.5 cm/sec)
            allow for the collection of more precise and revealing   Injection Method  : Split
            quality control data.                               Split Ratio          : 3
                                                                Oven Temperature     : From 40 °C (5 min) by (3 °C/min)
                                                                                      to 240 °C (15 min)
            1. Analysis of Aroma Compounds
                                                                MS (EI Method)
            n Sample                                            Ion Source Temperature  : 200 °C
            Three sakes of different brands were obtained as    Interface Temperature  : 200 °C
            samples.                                            Tuning Mode          : Standard
            To these sakes were added ultrapure water and       Measurement Mode     : Scan (m/z 35 to 350)
            1 mg/mL of an aqueous solution of 3-octanol to prepare   Event Time      : 0.3 seconds
            samples that contained 10 % ethanol and 0.5 mg/L of
            3-octanol. From each sample prepared in this manner
            was taken 1 mL, which was added to a headspace
            sampler vial, to which was added 0.5 g of sodium
            chloride. The samples were confirmed to be saturated
            with sodium chloride. These vials were then inserted
            into a headspace sampler and used for analysis.
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