Page 44 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Development
P. 44

Application  No.M271

                          Table 6  List of Compounds Detected by Analysis of Metabolites Present in Foods (149 Compounds)
             2-Aminobutyric acid       Aspartic acid          Histidine               Ornithine
             2-Aminoethanol            Batyl alcohol          Homocysteine            Palmitic acid
             2-Aminopimelic acid       Benzoic acid           Homoserine              Pantothenic acid
             2-Deoxy-glucose           Cadaverine             Hydroxylamine           Phenylacetic acid
             2-Hydroxybutyric acid     Caproic acid           Hypotaurine             Phenylalanine
             2-Hydroxyglutaric acid    Citramalic acid        Hypoxanthine            Phenylpyruvic acid
             2-Hydroxyisocaproic acid  Citric acid            Indol-3-acetic acid     Phosphoric acid
             2-Hydroxyisovaleric acid  Cystamine              Isocitric acid          Proline
             2-Isopropylmalic acid     Cystathionine          Isoleucine              Psicose-meto
             2-Ketoglutaric acid       Cysteine               Lactic acid             Putrescine
             3-Aminoglutaric acid      Cystine                Lactitol                Pyridoxamine-4TMS
             3-Aminopropanoic acid     Cytidine               Lactose                 Pyruvic acid
             3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaric acid  Cytosine        Lauric acid             Ribitol
             3-Hydroxybutyric acid     Decanoic acid          Leucine                 Ribose
             3-Hydroxyglutaric acid    Dihydroxyacetone phosphate  Lysine             Saccharopine
             3-Hydroxyisobutyric acid  Dopamine               Lyxose                  Serine
             3-Hydroxypropionic acid   Eicosapentaenoic acid  Maleic acid             Stearic acid
             3-Methoxy-4-hydroxybenzoic acid  Elaidic acid    Malic acid              Succinic acid
             3-Phenyllactic acid       Fructose               Maltitol                Tagatose
             4-Aminobutyric acid       Fumaric acid           Maltose                 Threitol
             4-Hydroxybenzoic acid     Galactose              Mannito                 Threonic acid
             4-Hydroxyphenylacetic acid  Galacturonic acid    Mannose 6-phosphate     Threonine
             4-Hydroxyproline          Glucose                Mannose                 Thymine
             5-Aminolevulinic acid     Glucuronic acid        Margaric acid           Trehalose
             5-Aminovaleric acid       Glutamic acid          meso-Erythritol         Tryptophan
             5-Methoxytryptamine       Glutamine              Methionine              Tyramine
             5'-Methylthioadenosine    Glutaric acid          Methylsuccinic acid     Tyrosine
             5-Oxoproline              Glyceric acid          Mevalonic lactone       Uracil
             Acetylglycine             Glycerol 2-phosphate   Myristic acid           Urea
             Aconitic acid             Glycerol 3-phosphate   N6-Acetyllysine         Uridine
             Adenine                   Glycero                N-Acetylmannosamin      Valine
             Alanine                   Glycine                Nicotinic acid          Xanthine
             Allose                    Glycolic acid          Nonanoic acid           Xylito
             Arabinose                 Glycyl-Glycine         Norvaline               Xylose
             Arabitol                  Glyoxylic acid         Octanoic acid           Xylulose
             Arginine                  Guanine                Octopamine-4TMS
             Ascorbic acid             Hexanoylglycine        Oleic acid
             Asparagine                Histamine              O-Phosphoethanolamine

            * Natsuki Mimura, Atsuko Isogai, Kazuhiro Iwashita, Takeshi Bamba, and Eiichiro Fukusaki.
             Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry based component profiling and quality prediction for Japanese sake
             Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering VOL. 118 No. 4, 406e414, 2014

                                                                                                     First Edition: May. 2016
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