Page 42 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Development
P. 42

Application  No.M271

            n Results
            Samples of the three sake types were labeled as futsu-
            shu, junmai-shu, and daiginjo-shu. Taking the results   2
            from analysis, peak identification was performed based             Futsu-shu

                                                                                Futsu-shu 3
            on the NIST 14 library and quantitative ions, reference   1                      Daiginjo-shu
            ions, and retention indices mentioned in previous              Futsu-shu 2  Futsu-shu 1 Daiginjo-shu1
            articles*. The numbers of compounds identified are    t[2]  0
            shown in Table 2. The 86 compounds detected by this                        Daiginjo-shu 2 Daiginjo-shu 3
            analysis are also listed in Table 3.                  -1       Junmai-shu 1  Junmai-shu 3
                                                                               Junmai-shu 2
                    Table 2  Numbers of Compounds Detected
                          by Aroma Compound Analysis              -3
                                                                   -10  -8  -6  -4  -2  0  2   4   6   8
                         Futsu-shu  Junmai-shu Daiginjo-shu                            t[1]
              Detected      78          76         86
             compounds                                                Fig. 1  Score Plot of Aroma Compound Analysis

            Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was performed for
            the 76 compounds detected in all samples. A score plot    Ethyl actate
            of this analysis is shown in Fig. 1. The three different   0.6
            sake types are clearly separated on the score plot. A                  Isobutanol
            loading plot of this analysis is shown in Fig. 2.      0.4
            Compounds characteristic to each sample were                      3-methylbutyl acetate
            identified from these results.                        t [2]  0.2            Pentyl acetate     3-methyl -
            The results suggest that performing a complete analysis   0
            of aroma compounds and subsequent multivariate                                    2-phenlyethanol
            analysis of identified compounds may be useful for    -0.2  1-butanol
            food quality evaluation.                                                       2-phenlyetyl acetate
                                                                  -0.4         Furfural
                                                                    -0.2  -0.1  0  0.1  0.2  0.3  0.4  0.5  0.6

                                                                     Fig. 2  Loading Plot of Aroma Compound Analysis

                               Table 3  List of Compounds Detected by Aroma Compound Analysis (86 Compounds)
             ethyl acetate            3-methylbutyl propanoate  2-ethyl-1-hexanol     1-decanol
             3-methylbutanal          4-pentenyl acetate      decanal                 β-citronellol
             2, 4, 5-trimethyl-1,3-dioxolane  3-methyl-1-butanol  2-nonanol           diethyl pentanedioate
             ethyl propanoate         ethyl hexanoate         ethyl 3-hydroxybutanoate  ethyl phenylacetate
             ethyl 2-methylpropanoate  3-octanone             benzaldehyde            2-phenylethyl acetate
             propyl acetate           styrene                 ethyl 2-hydroxyhexanoate  2- (2-butoxyethoxy) ethyl acetate
             2, 3-butanedione         hexyl acetate           propanoic acid          hexanoic acid
             isobutyl acetate         2-octanone              1-octanol               benzyl alcohol
             ethyl butanoate          octanal                 3-methylbutyl methoxyacetate  diethyl hexanedioate
             1-propanol               acetoin                 ethyl 3-methylthiopropanoate  butylated hydroxytoluene
             ethyl 2-methylbutanoate  2-heptanol              ethyl decanoate         2-phenylethanol
             ethyl 3-methylbutanoate  3-methyl-1-pentanol     butyrolactone           heptanoic acid
             butyl acetate            ethyl heptanoate        1-nonanol               phenol
             DMDS                     ethyl lactate           acetophenone            dehydromevalonic lactone
             1- (1-ethoxyethoxy) pentane  1-hexanol           phenylacetaldehyde      octanoic acid
             isobutanol               3-ethoxy-1-propanol     furanmethanol           ethyl hexadecanoate
             3-methylbutyl acetate    2-nonanone              ethyl benzoate          decanoic acid
             ethyl pentanoate         ethyl octanoate         diethyl succinate       2-phenylethyl octanoate
             1-butanol                1-heptanol              (Z)-3-nonen-1-ol        benzoic acid
             ethyl 2-butenoate        3-methylbutyl hexanoate  3-methylthio-1-propanol  dodecanoic acid
             pentyl acetate           acetic acid             pentanoic acid
             2-heptanone              furfural                naphthalene
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