Page 45 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Development
P. 45


            Application                  Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry

            News                         Comprehensive Analysis of Primary and Secondary Metabolites

                                         in Citrus Fruits Using an Automated Method Changeover
            No.C132                      UHPLC System and LC/MS/MS System [LCMS-8050]

            Due to an increasing trend for healthy lifestyles, the   In food analysis, it is very important to carry out
            functional properties of agricultural products and foods   comprehensive analysis of primary and secondary
            are being emphasized alongside their taste qualities,   metabolites that contribute to the color, smell, taste,
            and the production and development of foods with   and functional properties of food. To date, there has
            high additional value is becoming increasingly     been only a few examples of performing these analyses
            important. Metabolome analysis, which is the       simultaneously.
            comprehensive analysis of all metabolites present in a   In this article, we describe a method of performing
            living organism, is now being applied in a variety of   comprehensive analysis of primary and secondary
            areas and not just to analyze the metabolites of living   metabolites in food (major organic acids, amino acids,
            organisms. Metabolome analysis is becoming an      sugars, carotenoids, and flavonoids) using LC/MS/MS,
            important tool in the food sector in areas such as food   and also present an example application of this
            processing and plant breeding.                     analytical method using citrus fruits as an actual

            n Sample Preparation
            We used seven citrus fruits (mikan orange, ponkan, shiranui orange, amakusa orange, hassaku orange, buntan
            orange, and hyuganatsu) shown in Fig. 1. Each metabolite was fractionated and extracted using two solvents, as
            shown in Fig. 2.

                     Mikan             Trovita                         Homogenize the flesh and peel of each citrus fruit
                   (C. unshu)          Orange                              (separate flesh and peel in advance)
                                               Ponkan                     Weigh out 10 g of flesh and 5 g of peel
                                             (C. reticulata)
               orange                                              Add 20 mL of water/ethanol  Add 20 mL of hexane
                                (C. reticulate shiranui)
                                                                                Centrifugation step
                                               True cultivars
                                               Hybrid cultivars                   Filtration step

                ???                              Yuzu
                              (C. maxima)                           Dilution    Dilution        Dilution
                                                                   (1/1000)     (1/10000)        (1/5)
                                              ?                   Organic acids  Sugars       Carotenoids
                      Hassaku                                     Amino acids
                    (C. hassaku)                                   Flavonoids
                                       (C. tamurana)
                                                                         Fig. 2  Sample Pretreatment Protocol

                    Fig. 1  Taxonomic Tree of Seven Citrus Fruits
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