Page 40 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Development
P. 40

For LabSolutions LCMS
            LC/MS/MS Method Package for D/L Amino Acids

            All D/L Amino Acids Can Be Quantified by Column Switching

            The physicochemical properties of Glutamine and Lysine, Isoleucine and allo-Isoleucine, Threonine and allo-Threonine are extremely similar.
            They have virtually the same MS/MS fragmentation patterns, and share many of their MRM transitions. Chromatographic separation is
            therefore required to analyze them individually by LC-MS/MS. Even if there is coelution on the CR-I(+) column, confirmation can be made by
            automated switching to a secondary CR-I(-) column.

                                        CROWNPAK CR-I(+)               CROWNPAK CR-I(-)

                                                     132>86             L-Ile + L-allo-Ile   132>86
                                          D-Ile + D-allo-Ile
            Analysis of D/L-Isoleucine,   L-allo-Ile
            D/L-allo-Isoleucine,            L-Ile     L-Leu                D-Ile
            and D/L-Leucine                                                         D-Leu

                                       1.0      2.0      min         1.0       2.0      min

                                                     120>74                        120>74
                                            D-Thr + D-allo-Thr             L-Thr + L-allo-Thr

            Analysis of D/L-Threonine,
            and D/L-allo-Threonine                 L-Thr                         D-Thr

                                  0.5     1.0     1.5    min     0.5     1.0     1.5    min

            List of Registered Amino Acids

             D/L-Alanine      D/L-Cysteine    D/L-Histidine    D/L-Lysine       D/L-Serine      D/L-Tyrosine
             D/L-Arginine     D/L-Glutamine   D/L-Isoleucine   D/L-Methionine   D/L-Threonine   D/L-Valine
             D/L-Asparagine   D/L-Glutamic acid  D/L-allo-Isoleucine  D/L-Phenylalanine  D/L-allo-Threonine
             D/L-Aspartic acid  Glycine       D/L-Leucine      DL-Proline       D/L-Tryptophane

            1. DL-Proline is a secondary amine, so it cannot be separated with these analysis conditions.
            2. LabSolutions LCMS Ver. 5.86 or later is required.
            CROWNPAK CR-I(+) and CR-I(-) are products of Daicel Corporation.

                                                                                                   © Shimadzu Corporation, 2017
                                                                                  First Edition: March 2017, Printed in Japan 3655-12611-20AIT
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