Page 39 - Application Notebook - Solution for Food Development
P. 39


            For LabSolutions LCMS
            LC/MS/MS Method Package

            for D/L Amino Acids


            Most important amino acids exist as stereoisomers. D- and L- forms of mirror image isomers, or enantiomers, are named according to their
            activity on polarized light. By using CROWNPAK CR-I(+) and CR-I(-) columns with chiral stationary phases, the D- and L-forms of amino acids
            can be analyzed separately. With CR-I(+) elution order is from D- to L-, and with CR-I(-) the elution order is reversed.

            In Just Ten Minutes, Chiral Amino Acids Can Be Analyzed Simultaneously
            With conventional chiral amino acid analysis, it is necessary to perform derivatization or use very long run times. With this method
            package, derivatization is not necessary, and high-sensitivity analysis can be performed in a short period of time, bringing efficiency to
            the chiral separations laboratory.
                                                               HPLC Conditions
                                            CROWNPAK CR-I(+)
                                                                Column          :  CROWNPAK CR-I(+)/(-)
                                                                                  (3 mmI.D. × 150 mmL., 5 µm)
                                                                Mobile Phase    :  Acetonitrile/Ethanol/Water/TFA = 80/15/5/0.5
                                                                Flowrate        :  0.6 mL/min
                                                                Injection Volume   :  1 µL
                                                                Column Temp.    :  25 °C

            0.0    1.0   2.0    3.0   4.0    5.0   6.0   min
                                                               MS Conditions
                                             CROWNPAK CR-I(-)
                                                                Nebulizer Gas Flowrate  :  3.0 L/min
                                                                Drying Gas Flowrate   :  15.0 L/min
                                                                Heating Gas Flowrate   :  5.0 L/min
                                                                Interface Temp.   :  250 °C
                                                                DL Temp.        :  250 °C
                                                                Heat Block Temp   :  300 °C
            0.0    1.0   2.0    3.0    4.0   5.0    6.0  min
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