Page 31 - Application Handbook - Liquid Chromatography
P. 31


            Application                  High Performance Liquid Chromatography

            News                         Rapid Analysis of 2,4-DNPH-Derivatized Aldehydes

                                         and Ketones  Using the Prominence-i with a Shim-
            No.L476                      pack XR-ODS Column

            Application News No. L268 presented a rapid analysis   the new Prominence-i integrated high-performance
            of 2,4-DNPH (2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine)-derivatized   liquid chromatograph with a 2.2 µm particle size Shim-
            aldehydes and ketones using the LC-2010 integrated   pack XR-ODS column. Here we present the results of
            high-performance liquid chromatograph with a Shim-  simultaneous analysis of thirteen 2,4-DNPH-derivatized
            pack FC-ODS column. As the goal of this study was to   aldehyde and ketone standards run on a conventional
            obtain a shorter the analysis time than that using the   5 µm particle column, and an example of rapid analysis
            previous method, we investigated the run conditions   with a 2.2 µm particle column.
            for 2,4-DNPH-derivatized aldehydes and ketones using

            n Simultaneous Analysis of 2,4-DNPH-Derivatized
               Aldehydes and Ketones                             mV (×10)
            Fig. 1 shows the chromatogram obtained from                                       n  Peaks
                                                                                               1. Formaldehyde
            simultaneous analysis of thirteen 2,4-DNPH-derivatized   3.0   1                      2. Acetaldehyde
                                                                                               3. Acetone
            aldehydes and ketones using the analytical conditions                                 4. Acrolein

            shown in Table 1. With the conventional VP-ODS       2.5                           5. Propionaldehyde
                                                                                                  6. Crotonaldehyde

            column, separation of the thirteen components is                                   7. 2-Butanone
                                                                                               8. Methacrolein
            complete within a 30 minute run time. The detection   2.0                          9. n-Butyraldehyde

                                                                                               10. Benzaldehyde
            limit and quantitation limit for formaldehyde were   1.5          2   4              11. Valeraldehyde
            determined to be 13 pg and 41 pg, respectively.                      3             12. m-Tolualdehyde
                                                                                               13. Hexanaldehyde
                                                                 1.0               5  6  8
                                                                                       7  9
                         Table 1  Analytical Conditions          0.5         2            10  11  12  13
             Column     : Shim-pack VP-ODS (150 mm L. × 4.6 mm I.D., 5 µm)           7      11   13
             Mobile Phase   : A: Water/THF = 8/2                 0.0
                          B: Acetonitrile                          0.0   5.0   10.0   15.0   20.0  25.0  min
             Time Program   : B Conc. 20 % → 60 % (30 min) → 20 % (30-35 min)
             Flowrate   : 1.5 mL/min
             Injection Volume   : 10 µL
             Column Temp.   : 40 °C                                  Fig. 1  Chromatogram of Standard Sample
             Detection   : UV 360 nm                                     (each at 1.0 mg/L as carbonyl compounds)
            n Linearity
            Calibration curves were generated for standard
            solutions of thirteen 2,4-DNPH-derivatized aldehydes     ×10 5
            and ketones (each at 0.03 – 3 mg/L, 10 µL injected)
            using the Shim-pack VP-ODS. Fig. 2 shows the           7     Formaldehyde
            calibration curves for formaldehyde, 2-butanone, and         2‐Butanone
            hexanaldehyde. All three compounds produced a linear   6     Hexanaldehyde            R =0.99997
            plot, with an R  value of greater than 0.9999 for each.
            Table 2 shows the area reproducibility values (n=3),   5
            using a concentration of 1.0 mg/L.
            The area %RSD values were within 1 % for all           4                              R =0.99995
            components, indicating very good repeatability.       Peak Area  3
                     Table 2  Repeatability of Peak Area (n=3)
                                                                   2                               2
                          Area %RSD              Area %RSD                                        R =0.99995
              Formaldehyde  0.429   Methacrolein   0.186
              Acetaldehyde  0.209   n-Butyraldehyde  0.095
              Acetone       0.728   Benzaldehyde   0.979           0
              Acrolein      0.108   Valeraldehyde  0.580             0          1         2          3
              Propionaldehyde  0.222  m-Tolualdehyde  0.355                     Concentration (mg/L)
              Crotonaldehyde  0.765  Hexanaldehyde  0.644
              2-Butanone    0.969                                                Fig. 2  Linearity
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