Page 27 - Application Handbook - Liquid Chromatography
P. 27

2. Environmental

            A clean environment is the basis for any life on earth. Whether   As a company for consumer and product safety, Shimadzu
            water, soil or air – keeping the environment clean for the    offers the entire bandwidth of technologies to cover environ-
            protection of all creatures is, and should be, the primary    mental application challenges through various analytical
            responsibility of any society. Analytical instrumentation is    instrumentation technologies – chromatography (HPLC, GC,
            a key technology to measure the status of environmental    SFC), mass spectrometry (GC-MS, LC-MS, MALDI), sum para-
            conditions, this means to diagnose, evaluate and control    meter (TOC), chip electrophoresis and spectroscopy (UV-VIS,
            pollution.                                          FTIR, AAS, ICP-OES). These high-quality products underline
                                                                Shimadzu’s value proposition of Excellence in Science. They
            Pure water is the source of life. Its quality can be affected    combine productivity, accuracy and regulatory requirements.
            by land contamination when toxic elements find their way    A vast number of solution-oriented application notes provide
            into ground- and drinking water. From there, contamination    an indication of where analytical challenges occur and how to
            influences crop farming and as a result our food and grocery   solve them.
            products. Air and atmosphere suffer from emissions, a product
            of industrial, private and agricultural activities.  Find more information on:
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