Page 24 - Application Handbook - Liquid Chromatography
P. 24


            Application                  High Performance Liquid Chromatography

            News                         Peptide Mapping of Antibody Drugs by Nexera-i


            Peptide mapping by HPLC is one of the important quality   Table 1 shows the analytical conditions. Here, the Aeris
            assurance tests used for verifying the primary structure   1.7 µm PEPTIDE XB-C18 100 Å small-particle core-shell
            of antibody drugs. Typically, following enzymatic   column and the Nexera-i integrated UHPLC system was
            digestion of the antibodies, separation is conducted   used. Mobile phase A was 0.1 % trifluoroacetic acid
            using a traditional reversed phase column. Due to the   (TFA) in water and mobile phase B was 0.08 % TFA in
            large number of peaks that require separation, the use   acetonitrile. To ensure proper gradient performance
            of small-particle columns and core shell columns for   with TFA, an optional 300 µL mixer was used.
            peptide analysis has spread in recent years.       Fig. 2 shows the chromatogram of IgG tryptic digest, in
            In order to compare elution profiles for identity and   which an extremely large number of peaks are clearly
            mutation confirmation, a highly repeatable system is   separated.
            required. The Nexera-i integrated UHPLC is the ideal
            system for such an analysis. Here, the Nexera-i is used
            in the analysis of IgG (human immunoglobulin G)
            tryptic digest.                                                 Table 1  Analytical Conditions
                                                                Column    : Aeris 1.7 µm PEPTIDE XB-C18 100 Å
                                                                            (150 mm L. × 2.0 mm I.D., 1.7 µm)
                                                                Mobile Phase   : A: 0.1 % trifluoroacetic acid in water
                                                                            B: 0.08 % trifluoroacetic acid in acetonitrile
                                                                Time Program   : B.Conc. 0 % (0 min) → 45 % (90 min)
                                                                           → 100 % (90.01 - 95 min) → 0 % (95.01 - 110 min)
            n Analysis of IgG Tryptic Digest                    Flowrate   : 0.2 mL/min
            For this investigation, after reduction and alkylation of   Column Temp.   : 60 ˚C
                                                                          : 10 µL
                                                                Injection Vol.
            IgG, tryptic enzyme digestion was used as shown in   Detection   : LC-2040C 3D at 215 nm
            Fig. 1 for sample preparation.                      Flow Cell   : High-speed high-sensitivity cell

                                                                     mAU (�10)
                    10 mg/mL human IgG in water 20 µL
                         6 mol/L guanidine hydrochloride in        4.0
                         0.25 mol/L Tris buffer (pH 7.5) 80 µL
                         0.5 mol/L dithiothreitol in water 2 µL
                   Incubate at 37 ˚C for 30 min                    3.0
                         0.5 mol/L iodoacetamide in water 4.8 µL   2.5

                   Incubate at room temperature for 30 min in the dark

                         0.5 mol/L dithiothreitol in water 2 µL
                         0.25 mol/L Tris buffer (pH 7.5) 700 µL
                         1 mg/mL trypsin in 1 mmol/L HCl 4 µL      1.0
                   Incubate at 37 ˚C for 20 hours

                         Trifluoroacetic acid 1 µL
                   Inject to UHPLC
                                                                     0.0       25.0      50.0       75.0 min
                          Fig. 1  Sample Preparation                   Fig. 2  Chromatogram of IgG Tryptic Digest
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