Page 29 - Application Handbook - Liquid Chromatography
P. 29


            Application                  Supercritical Fluid Extraction / Chromatography

            News                         Application of Nexera UC SFE Pretreatment System

                                         for Extracting Pesticide Residues from Soil

            Evaluating the persistence of pesticides in environmental   as shown in Fig. 2. This not only improves productivity
            soil is an important criteria for evaluating the safety of   and minimizes environmental impact, but also avoids
            pesticides and analyzing pesticides in soil is extremely   human errors involved in the sample pretreatment
            important for initial evaluations or registration of   process. Furthermore, a specially designed rack changer
            pesticides. However, in most cases, analyzing pesticides   can be used to perform extraction consecutively for up
            in soil using liquid-liquid extraction to extract the   to 48 samples.
            pesticides is very time-consuming, requires special   * "Miyazaki Hydro-Protect" Patent No. 3645552
            equipment and reagents, and can cause problems, such
            as metal ions or other introduced ionic substances   (A)      CO2 pump   Back pressure
            contaminating analytical  instruments or the target                 SFE unit  regulator Column oven Fraction collector
            substances being decomposed by oxidation, exothermic   CO2   Solvent       control ON
            reactions, or other consequences of the extraction   cylinder  delivery pump   Trap column
            process.                                                                  15MPa Atmospheric
            In contrast, supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) provides        Extraction vessel  pressure  Collection
            excellent extraction efficiency using supercritical carbon   Modifier Eluent
            dioxide as the extraction solvent, which offers the low   (B)  CO2 pump   Back pressure
            viscosity and high diffusivity of a gas and the high                SFE unit  regulator Column oven Fraction collector
            solubility of a fluid. Consequently, it extracts target   CO2  Solvent     control ON
            substances quickly using smaller quantities of organic   cylinder  delivery pump  Trap column
            solvent than existing solvent extraction methods,                         15MPa Atmospheric
            making it a more environmentally-friendly method as               Extraction vessel  Collection
            well.                                                   Modifier Eluent
            This article describes an example of using the Nexera   (C)   CO2 pump   Back pressure
            UC SFE  pretreatment system to extract residual                     SFE unit  regulator Column oven Fraction collector
            pesticides from soil.                                 CO2                  control ON
                                                                 cylinder  delivery pump
                                                                                           Trap column
                                                                                      15MPa Atmospheric
            n Off-Line SFE System                                             Extraction vessel  pressure  Collection
            The operating principle of the Nexera UC SFE pretreatment   Modifier Eluent
            system is shown in Fig. 1. An extraction vessel filled with a   (D)  CO2 pump   Back pressure
            sample is placed in the SFE unit and heated to 40 °C                SFE unit  regulator Column oven Fraction collector
                                                                                       control OFF
            (Fig. 1 A). The extraction vessel is then filled with   CO2  Solvent
            supercritical carbon dioxide and the target components   cylinder  delivery pump  Trap column
            are extracted statically without pumping the liquid (Fig. 1             Atmospheric  Atmospheric  Collection
            B). After static extraction, the target components are            Extraction vessel  tubes
            extracted dynamically by pumping supercritical carbon   Modifier Eluent
            dioxide through the extraction vessel (Fig. 1 C). After      Fig. 1  Process Flow of SFE Extraction
            trapping the extract material in the trap column, the
            eluate that contains the target  components  is then
            collected in the fraction collector (Fig. 1 D).
            n Sample Preparation
            Liquid-liquid extraction is typically used to pretreat soil
            samples for residual pesticide analysis. However, due to   Mix soil and dehydrating agent
            the extraction time and equipment required, throughput                          Fill extraction vessel
            is low, limiting the number of samples that can be
            processed in a day. It also requires using organic solvent
            during extraction. Therefore, an alternative extraction
            method to liquid-liquid extraction is desirable, in terms
            of both the environment and cost.
            In contrast, the Nexera UC SFE  pretreatment system
            requires only mixing 1 g of soil with 1 g of a dehydrating              Rack changer
            agent* and placing the mixture in the extraction vessel,         Fig. 2  Sample Preparation
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