Page 28 - Application Handbook - Liquid Chromatography
P. 28

2. Environmental

            Nexera UC SFE-LCMS/MS

            L503             Application of Nexera UC SFE pretreatment
                           system for extracting pesticide residues
                           from soil

            L476             Rapid analysis of 2,4-DNPH-derivatized
                           aldehydes and ketones using the
                           Prominence-i system

            Prominence-i RF

            L468             Simultaneous determination of poly-
                           cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons using the
            L477             Analysis of anionic surfactants by
                           Prominence-i and RF-20Axs fluorescence


            32               Analysis of melamine and related
                           substances in fertilizers
            33               Analysis of dicyandiamide in fertilizers
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