Page 30 - Application Handbook - Liquid Chromatography
P. 30

Application  No.L503

            n Extraction and Analysis of Residual Pesticides in Soil  Mix 1 g of dehydrating agent with 1 g of soil
            Soil was spiked with 200 ng/g each of eight pesticide
            components, which were then extracted by SFE using            Add mixture to extraction vessel
            the conditions indicated in Table 1. Eluent was added to
            the extract obtained to make 2 mL, which was then                Collect extract from SFE
            analyzed by LC-MS/MS using the conditions indicated in
            Table 1. Repeatability and recovery rate values for the          Add eluent to make 2 mL
            eight pesticide components are shown in Table 2.                  Analyze by LC-MS/MS
            Recovery rates were determined by comparing the area
            of pesticide peaks measured from the extract obtained   Fig. 3  Process Flow from Pretreatment to Analysis
            from the soil spiked with pesticide and measured from
            the extract obtained from unspiked soil to which the
            pesticides were added after extraction. This system uses
            a simpler and faster pretreatment process than liquid-
            liquid extraction, which enables it to finish extraction in
            about 30 minutes per sample. It also uses less organic
            solvent, so it is superior in terms of the environment
            and cost as well.

                                             Table 1  Extraction and Analytical Conditions
              [SFE] Nexera UC SFE System                      [LC] Nexera X2 System
              Solvent   : A) Supercritical fluid of CO2       Column       : Shim-pack UC-RP (150 mm L. × 2.1 mm I.D., 3 μm)
                          B) Methanol                         Mobile Phase   : A) 10 mM Ammonium formate
              Flowrate   : 5 mL/min                                          B) 10 mM Ammonium formate in methanol
              Extraction   : 4 min (Static mode → Dynamic mode)  Time Program   : B.Conc. 0 % (0 min) → 100 % (14-17 min) →
              Extraction   : 40 °C                                           0 % (17.1-20 min)
              Vessel Temp.                                    Flowrate     : 0.4 mL/min
              BPR Pressure   : 15 MPa                         Column Temp.   : 40 °C
              Trap Column   : Shim-pack VP-ODS (50 mm L. × 4.6 mm I.D., 5 μm)  Injection Volume   : 3 μL
              Column    : 40 °C
              Oven Temp.                                      [MS] LCMS-8060 (MRM mode)
              Elution Solvent : Acetone/Hexane = 50/50 (2 mL/min, 2 min)  Ionization   : ESI (positive or negative)
                                                              DL Temp.     : 200 °C
                                                              Block Heater Temp.  : 400 °C
                                                              Interface Temp.   : 300 °C
                                                              Nebulizing Gas Flow : 2 L/min
                                                              Drying Gas Flow   : 10 L/min
                                                              Heating Gas Flow   : 10 L/min

                                                                          Table 2  Repeatability and Recovery
             8000000                                                Compounds      Repeatability  Recovery (%)
             7500000                                                               (%RSD, n=6)
             6500000                                              Alachlor            1.9           87.0
             5500000                                              Atrazine            1.3           75.8
             5000000                                              Diflufenican        1.2           86.2
             4000000                                              Fipronil            1.5           80.6
             3000000                                              Flumioxazin         3.8           70.1
             2500000                                              Fluxapyroxad        2.2           72.9
             1500000                                              Pyraclostrobin      1.8           73.3
              500000                                              Trifloxystrobin     1.5           87.7
                   10.0  10.5  11.0  11.5  12.0  12.5  13.0  13.5  14.0  14.5  min
            Fig. 4  MRM Chromatogram of Extract from Soil Spiked with Pesticides

                                                                                                      First Edition: Feb. 2016

                                               For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
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                                               The information contained herein is provided to you "as is" without warranty of any kind including without limitation warranties as to its
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                                               use of this publication. This publication is based upon the information available to Shimadzu on or before the date of publication, and subject
                                               to change without notice.                                                                        © Shimadzu Corporation, 2016
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