Page 35 - Application Handbook - Liquid Chromatography
P. 35


            Application                  High Performance Liquid Chromatography

            News                         Analysis of Anionic Surfactants by Prominence-i and

                                         RF-20Axs Fluorescence Detector

            According to the Ministerial Ordinance on Water Quality
            Standards , an HPLC method using a fluorescence       N7
            detector has been adopted as the test method for anionic                               n   1FBLT
            surfactants . (Please refer to Application News No. L303.)                                 $
            Since either the RF-20A or RF-20Axs fluorescence detector                                  $
            can be connected to the new Prominence-i integrated                                        $
            high-performance liquid chromatograph, the combination                                     $
            of integrated operability and high-sensitivity fluorescence                                $
            detection is possible.
            Here we present an example of the analysis of five anionic
            surfactants using the Prominence-i integrated high-
            performance liquid chromatograph with the RF-20Axs
            high-sensitivity fluorescence detector.
            n Analysis of Standard Anionic Surfactants
            Fig. 1 shows the basic structural formula of the five anionic
            surfactants which differ by the length of the hydrocarbon
            chain. Quantitative analysis of anionic surfactants in water
            samples is conducted by classifying the approximately
            twenty peaks obtained from the analysis of a standard
            solution containing the C10 – C14 branched- chain                                          NJO
            surfactants, and then summing the respective area values.
            Depending on the type of column used for separation, there   Fig. 2  Chromatogram of Standard Mixture of 5 Anionic Surfactants
            is a type that can resolve branched chains for each carbon   (Using Column 1) (10 mg/L each, total of 50 mg/L, 20 µL Inj.)
            number and will produce multiple peaks, and there is a type
            which cannot resolve branched chains, so only a single peak
            appears for each carbon number.
            Fig. 2 shows the chromatograms of a standard solution of
            anionic surfactants in accordance with the water quality
            inspection method (total of 50 mg/L for 5 substances, each   N7
            at 10 mg/L), and Table 1 shows the analytical conditions                                  1FBLT
            used. This concentration is based on the standard                                          $
            concentration in accordance with the indicated pretreatment                                $
            procedure (test water at 250-fold concentration).                                          $
            Fig. 3 shows an example of high speed analysis using a                                     $
            commercially available column (which cannot resolve                                        $
            branched chains).


                           n=10:Sodium Decylbenzenesulfonate
                           n=11:Sodium Undecylbenzenesulfonate
                           n=12:Sodium Dodecylbenzenesulfonate
                           n=13:Sodium Tridecylbenzenesulfonate
                           n=14:Sodium Tetradecylbenzenesulfonate

                     Fig. 1  Structure of Anionic Surfactants
                         Table 1  Analytical Conditions
             Column (1)   : Shim-pack VP-ODS (250 mm L × 4.6 mm I.D., 5 µm)  Fig. 3  Chromatogram of a Standard Mixture of 5 Anionic Surfactants
             Flowrate (1)   : 1.0 mL/min                            (Using Column 2) (10 mg/L each, total of 50 mg/L, 20 µL Inj.)
             Column (2)   : Wakosil AS-Aqua (250 mm L × 4.6 mm I.D., 5 µm)
             Flowrate (2)   : 0.7 mL/min
             Mobile Phase   : A) Water
                          B) Acetonitrile
                          containing 0.1 M Sodium Perchlorate
                          B. Conc. 65 %
             Column Temp.   : 40 °C
             Injection Volume : 20 µL
             Detection   : RF-20Axs, Ex at 221 nm, Em at 284 nm
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