Page 37 - Application Handbook - Liquid Chromatography
P. 37


                                         Liquid Chromatograph
                                         Analysis of Melamine and Its

                   32                    Related Substances in Fertilizers

           Recently, it has been confirmed that some granulated products of hydrated calcium cyanamide, which are created
           by adding water to calcium cyanamide, contain a significant amount of melamine. Given this fact, while there are at
           present no standard values for melamine in fertilizer, regulations are being discussed, and investigations are
           progressing with respect to the dynamics of melamine in soil and its transition to crops.
           This article introduces an example of the analysis of melamine and related substances in fertilizers using an HPLC
           system, with reference to the fertilizer test methods (2012) under the supervision of the Japan‘s Food and
           Agricultural Materials Inspection Center (FAMIC).                         (A. Uchida, T. Yamaguchi)
           Analysis of Standard Solution
          Fig. 1 shows the analysis results of a mixed standard solution containing melamine, ammeline, and ammelide (10
          mg/L each, dissolved in a mixed solution of acetonitrile / water / diethylamine = 5/4/1 (v/v/v)) using an amide column.
          Table 1 shows the analytical conditions.

            mAU                                                                Table 1: Analytical Conditions
          150                      2
                                              Peaks                   Instrument:  Prominence HPLC system
          125                                1. Ammelide               Column:     Inertsil Amide (GL Sciences Inc.,
                                             2. Melamine                           250 mmL. × 4.6 mmI.D., 5 µm)
          100                                3. Ammeline               Mobile phase:  A) 5 mmol/L Phosphate buffer (pH 6.7)
                                                                                   B) Acetonitrile
          75                                 3                                     A/B = 25/75 (v/v)
                             1                                         Flow rate:  1.0 mL/min
                                                                       Column temp.:  40 °C
                                                                       Detection:  SPD-20AV at 214 nm
                                                                       Injection volume: 10 mL
            0.0      2.5       5.0       7.5      10.0   min
                   Fig. 1: Chromatogram of a Standard Mixture
             Linearity and Repeatability
            Fig. 2 shows the calibration curves for 3 components in the range of 0.1 mg/L to 20 mg/L. The contribution ratio (R )
            was 0.999 or higher in all cases, indicating that favorable linearity was obtained. Calculating the detection limit and
            quantitation limit based on the absolute calibration curve for melamine in Fig. 2 yields 0.0005 mg/L and 0.0015 mg/L,
            Table 2 shows the relative standard deviation (%RSD) for peak area in a 6-cycle repeated analysis of a mixed
            standard solution of melamine, ammeline, and ammelide (0.1 mg/L each). A favorable repeatability of 0.5 % max.
            was obtained for all components.
            was obtained for all components.
                                                                                   Table 2: Repeatability

                                                                              Melamine    Ammeline     Ammelide

                                                                        1st        11921         7414        4590
                                                                       2nd         11886         7364        4609

                                                                        3rd        11899         7401        4603
                                                                        4th        11906         7389        4649
                                                                        5th        11915         7437        4625

                                                                        6th        11910         7468        4606

                          Fig. 2: Linearity (0.1 to 20 mg/L)       %RSD            0.103        0.494        0.446
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