Page 42 - Application Handbook - Liquid Chromatography
P. 42

3. Food, Beverages & Agriculture

            Regarding food, water, beverages and agricultural crop-   Agriculture
            land, the increasing world population is one of the biggest
            challenges of mankind. How can access be provided to suffi-   While the agriculture industry undergoes a shift from natural
            cient and safe food as well as clean water? How can crop   crop development to the use of biological agents, the funda-
            failure be prevented? Can new food sources be explored?   mental mission of the industry remains the same: providing
                                                                the world with healthy products. To ensure the health of crops,
            In industrial nations, the percentage of convenience food has   reliable instruments are needed that provide accurate, timely
            been increasing. How can new ingredients be discovered to   data on such critical areas as water supply, soil composition
            replace existing ones regarding calories, fat and flavoring   and animal feed.
            substances in order to support a healthier life?
            Food and beverages industries
                                                                The natural products industry has undergone a tremendous
            In food and beverages industries, analytical instrumentation   amount of growth in the last decade. With this dynamic
            methods are essential to ensure high product quality during   growth, there has been a surge of regulations to monitor the
            several steps in the manufacturing process, such as quality   development process and ensure the safety of the end product,
            control of raw materials (e.g. natural products) as well as    e.g. regarding herbs, botanicals, supplements and organic
            their treatment during and after production. Whether it is the   foods.
            analysis of degradation of edible oils or the vitamins in baby
            food, the quantification of food additives or pesticide residues,   Shimadzu’s broad range of analytical instruments provide
            the quality control of packaging materials concerning color    the food, beverages and agricultural industries with leading
            and possible contaminants or the determination of distinct   technologies in chromatography (HPLC, GC, SFC), mass
            aromas found in natural products – high-throughput food    spectrometry (GC-MS, LC-MS, MALDI), sum parameter
            and beverage QA/QC laboratories require high-speed and    (TOC), spectroscopy (UV-VIS, FTIR, AAS, ICP-OES, EDX)
            high-quality analysis.                              and material testing. Based on most modern hardware and
                                                                software, Shimadzu’s systems can be used in highly regulated
            The quality of food is not only about its ingredients and    environments and are compliant with regulations such as FDA
            raw materials, but also about its texture which complements   21 CFR Part 11 and GLP.
            the experience in the moment of consumption. Crispness,
            gumminess, softness, hardness are all important properties
            which enhance the taste sensation when people eat.  Find more information on:
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