Page 44 - Application Handbook - Liquid Chromatography
P. 44


            Application                  Supercritical Fluid Extraction / Chromatography

            News                         Analysis of Residual Pesticides in Agricultural Products

                                         Using Nexera UC Off-Line SFE-GC/MS System

            Since enforcement of the positive list system for residual   Meanwhile, as shown in Fig. 2, sample preparation for
            pesticides in foods in 2006 in Japan, over 800 pesticides   the Nexera UC off-line SFE system only involves mixing
            have been included in the system. Consequently, there   1 g of agricultural product pulverized in a mixer with
            is now a strong demand for effective analytical methods   1 g of dehydrating agent*, then filling the extraction
            encompassing any sample pretreatment steps that are
            capable of inspecting large numbers of pesticides.  vessel with this mixture. This not only results in
            Conventionally, analysis of residual pesticides in foods   improved productivity and a reduced environmental
            has involved pesticide extraction by a solvent extraction   burden, but also avoids human errors involved in the
            method before analysis by LC/MS or GC/MS. The      sample pretreatment process. Using a specially designed
            problem with solvent extraction methods is that sample   rack changer also allows for extraction of a maximum
            pretreatment requires a substantial amount of time and   of 48 samples consecutively.
            effort, and large quantities of organic solvents are used.  * "Miyazaki Hydro-Protect" Patent No. 3645552
            Supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) that uses supercritical
            carbon dioxide as the extraction solvent provides good
            extraction efficiency, where the solvent is similar to gas   (A)  CO2 pump   Back pressure
            in terms of low viscosity and high diffusivity, and similar         SFE unit  regulator Column oven Fraction collector
            to fluid in terms of high solubility. This allows for                      control ON
            extraction within a short period of time. This extraction   cylinder  delivery pump
            method is also less damaging to the environment since                          Trap column
            it uses a smaller amount of organic solvent compared                      15MPa Atmospheric  Collection
            to conventional solvent extraction methods.             Modifier Eluate  Extraction vessel  tubes
            We introduce an example GC/MS analysis of pesticides
            extracted from an agricultural products using the            CO2 pump    Back pressure
            Nexera UC off-line SFE system.                      (B)             SFE unit  regulator Column oven Fraction collector
                                                                                       control ON
            n Off-Line SFE System                                cylinder  delivery pump
                                                                                           Trap column
            Fig. 1 shows the principle behind operation of the                        15MPa Atmospheric
            Nexera UC off-line SFE system. An extraction vessel               Extraction vessel  pressure  Collection
            filled with a sample is placed in the SFE unit, and is   Modifier Eluate
            heated to 40 °C (Fig. 1 A). The extraction vessel is then
            filled with supercritical carbon dioxide, and the target   (C)  CO2 pump   SFE unit  Back pressure
                                                                                           Column oven Fraction collector
            components are extracted statically without pumping                        control ON
            the liquid (Fig. 1 B). After static extraction, dynamic   CO2  Solvent
            extraction is performed by pumping supercritical carbon   cylinder  delivery pump  Trap column
            dioxide through the extraction vessel (Fig. 1 C). After                   15MPa Atmospheric
            trapping the extract material in the trap column, eluate          Extraction vessel  pressure  Collection
            that contains the target components is then collected in   Modifier Eluate
            the fraction collector (Fig. 1 D).
                                                                (D)      CO2 pump    Back pressure
            n Sample Preparation                                                SFE unit  regulator Column oven Fraction collector
                                                                                       control OFF
            The QuEChERS method that prioritizes simplicity and   cylinder  Solvent
            speed is widely used to pretreat agricultural products     delivery pump       Trap column
            for residual pesticide analysis. While there is a special kit           Atmospheric  Atmospheric
            available for the QuEChERS method, sample preparation            Extraction vessel  Collection
            for this kit requires a large number of process steps   Modifier Eluate
            including reagent addition, solvent extraction,
            purification by dispersive solid phase extraction, and       Fig. 1  Flow of Off-Line SFE Extraction
            centrifugal separation.
                Conventional (QuEChERS) Pretreatment Method
                       Homogenize  Add solvent  Stir  Add reagent  Stir  Centrifuge  supernatant  Add reagent  Stir  Centrifuge
                Nexera UC Pretreatment            Mixing agricultural product with dehydrating agent  Rack changer
                                           Enclose in
                      Homogenize Add absorbent  Mix  extraction vessel
                                                   Fig. 2  Sample Preparation
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