Page 47 - Application Handbook - Liquid Chromatography
P. 47

Application  No.L502

                                            Table 2  Repeatability and Recovery (continued)
                                   Repeatability                                      Repeatability
                   Compounds                    Recovery (%)          Compounds                    Recovery (%)
                                   (%RSD, n = 6)                                      (%RSD, n = 6)
             Metominostrobin-(E)       9.6        72.4          Simazine                  5.2        74.9
             Metribuzin                6.5        75.1          Simeconazole              6.1        79.1
             Mevinphos-1               9.9        92.3          Simetryn                  5.0        74.1
             Mevinphos-2               6.0        85.4          Spirodiclofen             4.6        94.1
             Molinate                  3.8        86.0          Sulfotep                  3.9        92.9
             Myclobutanil              5.9        75.7          Sulprofos                 4.8        74.5
             Naled                     6.1        72.8          Swep                      5.3        83.6
             Nitralin                  4.5        94.2          Tebufenpyrad              3.6        88.8
             Nitrofen                  8.1        88.9          Tebupirimfos              4.6        89.4
             Nitrothal-isopropyl       2.4        90.2          Tecnazene                 3.1        89.5
             Oxabetrinil               3.4        91.7          Tefluthrin                 4.5        90.1
             Oxadiazon                 3.9        94.7          Terbucarb                 4.0        87.6
             Oxpoconazole              6.4        74.7          Terbufos                  3.8        77.9
             Oxpoconazole-formyl deg.  9.9        88.9          Terbutryn                 4.5        86.0
             Oxyfluorfen                8.9        88.3          Tetrachlorvinphos         3.2        93.0
             Paclobutrazol             7.5        72.6          Tetraconazole             7.8        84.3
             Parathion                 6.3        90.1          Tetradifon                5.9        89.5
             Parathion-methyl          5.1        90.4          Tetramethrin-1            6.9        93.8
             Penconazole               4.7        85.0          Tetramethrin-2            4.3        90.9
             Pendimethalin             5.1        86.9          Thenylchlor               3.5        87.3
             Pentoxazone               4.2        95.6          Thifluzamide               5.9        84.6
             Permethrin-1              4.8        89.0          Thiobencarb               3.5        85.6
             Permethrin-2              4.0        88.8          Tolclofos-methyl          3.9        90.6
             Phenothrin-1              7.4        93.1          Tolfenpyrad               3.6        81.0
             Phenothrin-2              2.5        90.2          Tolylfluanid               5.8        91.1
             Phenthoate                2.4        91.7          Triadimefon               3.7        88.3
             Phorate                   4.1        75.9          Triadimenol-1             6.2        70.8
             Phosalone                 3.5        88.1          Tri-allate                5.3        91.2
             Phosmet                   4.2        84.5          Triazophos                4.7        89.9
             Phosphamidon-1            8.6        75.8          Tribufos                  6.2        90.6
             Phosphamidon-2            6.6        70.8          Trichlamide               5.2        85.3
             Picolinafen               4.0        90.4          Trifloxystrobin            5.9        90.7
             Piperonyl butoxide        3.8        89.2          Trifluralin                3.2        92.5
             Piperophos                3.5        88.9          Vinclozolin               4.2        89.6
             Pirimiphos-methyl         5.7        90.8          XMC                       3.9        86.5
             Pretilachlor              5.6        89.8          Xylylcarb                 4.5        85.3
             Procymidone               7.0        91.6          Zoxamide                  3.6        82.6
             Profenofos                5.6        94.1
             Prohydrojasmon-1          5.5        87.7
             Prohydrojasmon-2          8.7        88.6
             Prometryn                 3.0        86.8
             Propachlor                4.4        88.0
             Propargite-1              9.3        101.3
             Propargite-2              9.5        94.5
             Propazine                 4.0        97.1
             Propiconazole-1           6.7        89.4
             Propiconazole-2           3.2        88.3
             Propoxur                  5.3        83.9
             Propyzamide               4.2        81.6
             Prothiofos                4.0        85.5
             Pyraclofos                5.1        94.1
             Pyraclostrobin            4.7        93.1
             Pyraflufen-ethyl           4.7        92.7
             Pyrazophos                4.2        92.8
             Pyrazoxyfen               9.4        91.2
             Pyributicarb              3.1        88.1
             Pyridaben                 3.1        86.1
             Pyridaphenthion           5.4        84.2
             Pyrifenox-(E)             5.9        85.2
             Pyrifenox-(Z)             7.3        92.9
             Pyrimethanil              6.0        83.9
             Pyrimidifen               4.9        74.2
             Pyriminobac-methyl-(E)    3.9        88.6
             Pyriminobac-methyl-(Z)    5.2        88.6
             Pyriproxyfen              5.7        92.1
             Quinalphos                3.3        93.2
             Quinoxyfen                3.2        87.1
             Quintozene                6.0        90.3
             Quizalofop-ethyl          3.0        86.9
             Resmethrin-1              6.2        88.5
             Resmethrin-2              3.3        86.1
             Silafluofen                3.7        88.6

                                                                                                      First Edition: Jan. 2016

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                                               to change without notice.                                                                        © Shimadzu Corporation, 2016
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