Page 45 - Application Handbook - Liquid Chromatography
P. 45

Application  No.L502

                                                  Table 1  Analytical Conditions
             [SFE] Nexera UC SFE System                        [GC-MS] GCMS-TQ8040
             Extraction   : A) Supercritical fluid of CO2       Column     : Rxi -5Sil MS 30 m × 0.25 mm I.D., df = 0.25 µm
             Solvent     B) Methanol                           Column Temp.  :  50 ˚C (1 min) → (25 ˚C/min) → 125 ˚C → (10 ˚C/min)

             Flowrate   : 5 mL/min                                         → 300 ˚C (15 min)
             Extraction   : 8 min (Static mode → Dynamic mode)  Carrier Gas   : He (Constant linear velocity mode)
             Extraction                                        Linear Velocity  : 47.2 cm/sec
             Vessel Temp.  : 40 ˚C                             Injection Mode  : Splitless (Sampling time 1.00 min)
             BPR Pressure  : 15 MPa                            High Press Inj.   : 250 kPa (1.5 min)
             Trap Column  : Shim-pack VP-ODS (50 mm L. × 4.6 mm I.D., 5 µm)  Injection Volume : 1 µL
             Elution Solvent : Acetone/Hexane = 50/50 (2 mL/min, 2 min)   Interface Temp.  : 250 ˚C
                                                               Ion Source Temp. : 200 ˚C
                                                               MS Mode    : MRM
                                                               Loop Time   : 0.3 sec
            n Analysis of Brown Rice
            A mixed standard solution of pesticides for GC/MS
            analysis (Hayashi Pure Chemical PL2005 Pesticide GC/
            MS Mix I-VI, 7) was added to pulverized brown rice to a
            concentration of 100 ng/g, and SFE was performed
            using the conditions shown in Table 1. The extraction
            liquid obtained was made up to 2 mL using eluate, and
            analyzed by GC/MS. The MRM chromatogram obtained
            from GC/MS analysis is shown in Fig. 4. Good
            repeatability (relative standard deviation of quantitation
            concentration <10 %) and recovery (70-120 %) were
            obtained for the 301 components. Repeatability and
            recovery for the 301 pesticides are shown in Table 2.
            This system uses a very simple pretreatment process,
            and can perform automated extraction from a single
            sample in approximately 30 minutes.                         Fig. 3  Recovery in Brown Rice Analysis

                                      Fig. 4  MRM Chromatogram of Extraction Liquid from Brown Rice

                                                Table 2  Repeatability and Recovery
                                   Repeatability                                      Repeatability
                   Compounds                   Recovery (%)           Compounds                    Recovery (%)
                                   (%RSD, n = 6)                                      (%RSD, n = 6)
             2-Phenylphenol            3.8        87.0          Azinphos-ethyl            5.3        84.3
             Acetochlor                5.9        93.1          Azinphos-methyl           2.7        83.1
             Acrinathrin-1             6.8        73.8          Benalaxyl                 7.0        84.9
             Acrinathrin-2             3.1        100.6         Benfluralin                5.2        90.1
             Alachlor                  3.6        88.7          Benfuresate               4.1        91.5
             Allethrin-3,4             5.9        102.0         Benoxacor                 3.2        90.8
             Allidochlor               5.3        86.4          beta-BHC                  5.3        87.8
             alpha-BHC                 4.6        88.9          beta-Endosulfan           6.5        90.7
             alpha-Endosulfan          9.5        98.7          Bifenox                   4.1        84.5
             Ametryn                   4.1        86.3          Bifenthrin                3.3        89.2
             Anilofos                  4.7        86.3          Biphenyl                  3.5        80.5
             Atrazine                  4.8        86.7          Bromobutide               4.6        90.4
             Azaconazole               5.5        70.5          Bromophos                 5.4        90.1
             Azamethiphos              9.9        78.4          Bromophos-ethyl           6.0        86.6
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