Page 36 - Application Handbook - Liquid Chromatography
P. 36

Application  No.L477

            n Repeatability of Peak Area Values
            Tables 2 and 3 show the peak area %RSD values         V7
            obtained for each carbon number based on 6 repeat                                       n   1FBLT
            measurements of standard solutions of three anionic                                         $
            surfactants, each at a concentration of 1 mg/L and                                          $
            5 mg/L. For all samples, the area %RSD was 0.6 % or                                         $
            less for both the 1 mg/L and 5 mg/L concentrations.                                         $

            Table 2  Reproducibility of Peak Area (%RSD) from Repeat Injections
                  (Using Column 1)
                  Upper: Standard Solution Containing 1 mg/L of Each Substance
                  Lower: Standard Solution Containing 5 mg/L of Each Substance
                                                                                      5BQ 8BUFS   4QJLFE 4UBOEBSE
            Each at 1 mg/L (n=6)

                      C10     C11    C12     C13     C14                              5BQ 8BUFS
              %RSD    0.36    0.36   0.47    0.39   0.43
            Each at 5 mg/L (n=6)
                      C10     C11    C12     C13     C14                                                NJO
              %RSD    0.31    0.31   0.31    0.26   0.30
                                                               Fig. 4  Chromatograms of Tap Water (20 µL Inj.) (Using Column 1)
                                                                    Upper: Water, 0.04 mg/L each, total 0.2 mg/L spiked
            Table 3  Reproducibility of Peak Area (%RSD) from Repeat Injections      Lower: Water
                  (Using Column 2)
                  Upper: Standard Solution Containing 1 mg/L of Each Substance
                  Lower: Standard Solution Containing 5 mg/L of Each Substance
            Each at 1 mg/L (n=6)
                      C10     C11    C12     C13     C14          V7
              %RSD    0.39    0.41   0.38    0.60   0.34
                                                                                                   n   1FBLT
            Each at 5 mg/L (n=6)                                                                       $
                      C10     C11    C12     C13     C14                                               $
              %RSD    0.18    0.16   0.16    0.14   0.15                                               $

            n Analysis of Tap Water
            The RF-20Axs high-sensitivity fluorescence detector
            features a temperature-controlled cell with a cooling
            function and is ideal for the direct injection of neat test
            water into the HPLC. The cell temperature control
            minimizes any fluorescence quenching at elevated or
            changing ambient temperature conditions.                                    5BQ 8BUFS   4QJLFE 4UBOEBSE
            Figs. 4 and 5 show examples of tap water analysis in
            which the undiluted samples were injected directly into                     5BQ 8BUFS
            the HPLC. In each pair of analysis results, the sample
            associated with the upper chromatogram consisted of                                        NJO
            tap water spiked with the five anionic surfactants
            subject to water quality standard limits (each 0.04 mg/L,   Fig. 5  Chromatograms of Tap Water (20 µL Inj.) (Using Column 2)
            total of 0.2 mg/L) . The lower trace is a water sample      Upper: Water, 0.04 mg/L each, total 0.2 mg/L spiked
            with no surfactants added. The analytical conditions are      Lower: Water
            the same as those shown in Table 1.
            In the Fig. 4 results from the column which resolves
            branched chains, a signal-to-noise ratio S/N=6 was
            obtained for the peak with the lowest intensity (third
            isomer of C14).

            1) Ordinance No. 101 of Japan's Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, May 30, 2003, (Partially revised by Ordinance No. 11 of Ministry of Health,
              Labour and Welfare, January 28, 2011)
            2) Ordinance No. 261 of Japan's Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, July 22, 2003, (Partially revised by Ordinance No. 290 of Ministry of Health,
              Labour and Welfare, March 30, 2012)

                                                                                                      First Edition: Nov. 2014

                                               For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
                                               The content of this publication shall not be reproduced, altered or sold for any commercial purpose without the written approval of Shimadzu.
                                               The information contained herein is provided to you "as is" without warranty of any kind including without limitation warranties as to its
                                               accuracy or completeness. Shimadzu does not assume any responsibility or liability for any damage, whether direct or indirect, relating to the
                                               use of this publication. This publication is based upon the information available to Shimadzu on or before the date of publication, and subject
                                               to change without notice.                                                                        © Shimadzu Corporation, 2014
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