Page 20 - Application Handbook - Liquid Chromatography
P. 20

HILIC×RP-LC for phospholipid (PL)
 2-2. Reagents and Materials  MS conditions   140000000  TIC( )  A  5. HILIC×RP-LC for phospholipid (PL)
 MS acquisition performed using the ESI interface operating in both   4  separation
 For  the  extraction  procedure,  chloroform  and  methanol  were  ob-  120000000
 tained from VWR (Milan, Italy).  positive and negative ionization modes:
            100000000                                          After a proper optimization of the two different separation systems, an
 mass spectral range: 200–1100 m/z; event time: 1 sec; scan speed:   6
 For LC×LC–MS analyses, water, acetonitrile, methanol, tetrahydrofu-  80000000  HILIC×RP-LC system was tuned.
 938 amu/s; nebulizing gas (N 2 ) ›ow: 1.5 L.min ; drying gas (N 2 ) ›ow:
 ran, isopropanol, all LC–MS grade, and formic acid were purchased   15 L.min ; interface temperature: 350°C; heat block temperature:   60000000  2  3  5  For both samples, the PC turned out the richest in terms of molecular
 from Riedel-de Haën (Seelze, Germany). Ammonium formate was ob-  1  species. As an example, an enlargement of the HILIC×RP-LC–ESI-MS
 200°C; desolvation line (DL) temperature: 250°C; DL voltage: −34 V;
 tained from Alfa Aesar GmbH & Co., KG (Karlsruhe, Germany). The pH   probe voltage: +4.5 kV; Qarray DC voltage: 1 V; Qarray RF voltage:   40000000  contour  plot,  with  the  corresponding  2D  raw  data  for  the  plasma
 of buffered mobile phases was adjusted to 5.5 by adding a few drops   100 V; detection gain: 0.8 kV.  20000000  sample, is reported in Fig. 5. Up to sixteen and fourteen molecular spe-
 of formic acid. The standards of phosphatidylinositol (PI), phosphatidyl-  cies, belonging PC classes, over two 15 min modulation cycles were
                 0.0   5.0   10.0  15.0  20.0  25.0  30.0  min
 serine (PS), phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), phosphatidylcholine (PC),   positively identied in cow’s milk and plasma samples, respectively. The
 sphingomyielin  (SM)  and  lysophosphatidylcholine  (LPC)  were  pur-  3. Results and discussion  200000000  TIC( )  B  observed chromatographic pattern ts to the expected PL separation
 3. Results and discussion
 chased from Sigma–Aldrich/Supelco (Bellefonte, PA, USA).      based on increasing hydrophobicity, viz. increasing ECN values, rang-
            175000000                                          ing from 26 to 34. It is worth mentioning that the employed 2D mobile
 Chromatographic separations were carried out using different col-  The objective of this work was to develop an HILIC×RP-LC system in   150000000  phase allowed to successfully separate also isobaric species. A list of the
 umns  provided  by  Supelco  (Bellefonte,  PA,  USA):  Ascentis  Express   combination with mass spectrometric detection for analysis of PL mo-  125000000
 lecular  species  contained  in  Folch-extracted  cow’s  milk  and  plasma   4  major species contained in a phospholipid standard mixture, cow’s milk
 HILIC (150 mmL. × 2.1 mmI.D., 2.7 µm d.p.), and Ascentis Express C18   100000000  sample and a plasma sample is reported in Table 1.
 (150 mmL. × 4.6 mmI.D., 2.7 µm d.p.).  samples. Prior to HILIC×RP-LC separations the two dimensions were   75000000  2
 optimized independently.                      5
 2-3. LC×LC instrumentation and software  25000000  1  3
 • Shimadzu CBM-20A controller  4.  Optimization of D1 and D2  0.0  5.0  10.0  15.0  20.0  25.0  30.0
 4. Optimization of D1 and D2
 • two Shimadzu LC-20AD dual-plunger parallel-Ÿow pumps   separation systems  min
 separation systems
 • Shimadzu LC-20AB dual-plunger parallel-Ÿow pumps   TIC( )  C
 HILIC separation can be described either as liquid–liquid partition chro-
 • Shimadzu DGU-20A5 degassing unit  125000000  4
 matography, or a version of NP-LC, run with partially aqueous mobile
 • Shimadzu CTO-20A column oven  phases.  Compounds  are  separated  by  passing  normally  an  organic   100000000
 • Shimadzu SIL-20AC autosampler  mobile phaseacross a neutral hydrophilic stationary phase, thus solutes   75000000  5
 are eluted in order of increasing hydrophilicity; the separation selectiv-
 • Shimadzu SPD-M20A photo diode array detector (2.5 µL detector Ÿow cell)
 ity is, therefore, complementary to that in reversed phase mode. The   50000000  6
 • Shimadzu LCMS-2020 mass spectrometer
 use of higher-organic content mobile phases is advantageous in pro-
 For  connecting  the  two  dimensions:  2-position  10-port  switching   viding  larger  diffusion  constants  of  analytes  during  their  migration   1  2
 valve (Supelco, Bellefonte, PA, USA) placed inside the column oven   through the column, allowing a partial separation of molecular species
                 0.0   5.0   10.0  15.0  20.0  25.0  30.0  min
 and equipped with two identical 20 µL sample loops.   and also better ionization efciency in electrospray ionization.
            Fig. 3  Positive-ion HILIC-ESI-MS TIC (total ion current) chromatogram  Fig. 5  Enlargement of the HILIC×RP-LC–ESI-MS contour plot along with
 Fig. 3 shows the total ion current (TIC) chromatogram of a HILIC-ESI-MS
 2-4. Software  analysis  of  three  different  samples,  namely,  PL  standard  mixture  (A),   of a phospholipid standard mixture (A), Folch-extracted cow’s  the corresponding 2D raw for separation of the PC molecular
                                                                    species contained in the plasma sample
                 milk (B), Folch-extracted plasma sample (C)
 • Shimadzu LabSolutions (Version 5.41 SP1)  Folch-extracted cow’s milk (B), Folch-extracted plasma sample (C). Base-  (1) Phosphatidylinositol (PI); (2) Phosphatidylethanolamine (PE);
 line separation of the six PL classes was achieved, under gradient condi-  (3) Phosphatidylserine (PS); (4) Phosphatidylcholine (PC);  6. Conclusions
 2-5. 2D Software  tions, within a run time of 30 min, according to decreasing polarity viz.   (5) Sphingomyelin (SM); (6) Lysophosphatidylcholine (PLC).
 PI eluted rst followed by PE and PS; the PL classes, containing the phos-  The aim of the present research was to separate simultaneously the
 • ChromSquare (Version 2.0) from Chromaleont, Messina, Italy  phocholine head group (PC, SM and LPC), were the most retained and   PL fraction belonging to different classes along with the molecular
 thus the latest to elute. Identication was carried out by the inspec-  22000000  TIC( )  species  corresponding  to  those  classes,  by  using  a  comprehensive
 2-6. LC×LC-MS conditions  tion of both [M+H] and [M−H] ions, the latter employed for better   C16:0/18:0  HILIC × RP-LC–ESI-MS system in stop-Ÿow mode.
 D1 separations: Ascentis Express HILIC  ionization of PI.  18000000  ECN = 34  The combination of HILIC and RP-LC techniques with ESI-MS as de-
 Flow rate   : 0.1 mL.mL −1  For the 2D separations, a C18 column packed with 2.7 mm particles   14000000  C16:0/18:1  tection system, allowed to achieve separation of individual molecular
 Mobile phases   : (A) acetonitrile/ammonium formate (10 mM) buffer pH   ECN = 32  species contained in two Folch-extracted cow’s milk and plasma sam-
 5.5 (90:10) and (B) acetonitrile/methanol/ammonium  was employed. RP-LC separation is mainly achieved on the basis of the   10000000  C18:1/18:2  C18:0/18:1  ples. In particular, PC turned out to be the most complex one, and up
 formate (10 mM) buffer pH 5.5 (55:35:10)  difference in chain length and the number of fatty acid double bonds   ECN = 30  ECN = 34
 Gradient elution :  0 min, 0% B; 20 min, 0% B; 25 min, 100% B; 210 min,  (i.e. essentially on the lipophilicity), viz. increasing equivalent carbon   6000000  C18:2/20:4  C18:0/18:1  to 16 and 14 different species were identi¥ed, respectively.
 100% B; 211 min, 0% B  number (ECN), dened as the total carbon number (CN) of fatty acids   ECN = 26  ECN = 34  The only drawback was the long analysis time due to the stop-Ÿow mode
 Injection volume : 10 µL.  2000000
 minus two times the double bond (DB) number (ECN = CN − 2DB).   employed even though this is well compensated by the enhanced resolv-
 D2 separations: Ascentis Express C18  0.0  3.0  6.0  9.0  12.0  min  ing power and the greater amount of analyte information obtained.
 Fig. 4 shows the TIC chromatogram from the positive-ion LC–ESI-MS
 Mobile phase   : (A) ammonium formate buffer (10 mM; pH 5.5)/
 isopropanol/tetrahydrofuran (30:55:15) and (B) acetonitrile.  analysis  of  a  PC  standard.  Baseline  separation  of  six  of  them  was   Fig. 4  Positive-ion RP-LC–ESI-MS TIC chromatogram of the different  Since each second-dimension peak corresponds to a single PL species,
 Isocratic elution (40% B)  achieved,  at  a  ›ow  rate  of  0.9  mL/min,  under  isocratic  conditions,   m  olecular species identi‘ed in a PC standard  which is eluted according to increasing hydrophobicity, the developed
 Flow rate   : 3.0 mL.min . Prior to MS detection, the mobile phase ›ow   within a run time of 15 min. The retention of molecular species in-  2D-LC system can be used also in absence of tandem mass spectrometry
 rate was reduced to 0.3 mL.mL  through a T-piece union.       detection in favour of less expensive techniques such as single quadru-
 Modulation time of the switching valve : 15 min  creased proportionally to the ECN, from 24 to 34).  pole MS or ELS, for analysis of other lipid classes of different origin.
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