Page 15 - Application Handbook - Liquid Chromatography
P. 15

2. Experimental
            2.  Experimental                                   2-5. Detection                                                      3-1. Tryptic Mapping and MS Characterization       The acquired mass spectrometry data were manually processed, by
                                                                                                                                                                                      averaging the number of scans within each chromatographic peak,
            2-1. Instrument                                    PDA wavelength: 215 nm; sampling rate 12.5 Hz; time constant 0.080   The contour plot obtained for the comprehensive RP-LC×RP-LC–PDA–  and deconvolution of charge envelope was afterwards performed
                                                               sec. LCMS-IT-TOF: ESI positive mode;  ow from the LC system 180 †L/min;   IT-TOF analysis of α-casein and dephosphorylated α-casein is shown in   for [M+H] and [M+nH] n+  ions. The corresponding window of the
            • Shimadzu CBM-20A controller                      detector  voltage  1.60  kV;  CDL  temperature  200  °C;  block  heater   Fig. 2. Replicate analyses (n =3) of the digests were run on the 2D system,   LCMSsolution software is shown in Fig. 7.
            • Shimadzu LC-20AD dual-plunger parallel- ow pumps (D1-LC)  temperature 200 °C; nebulizing gas  ow (N 2 ) 1.5 L/min; ion accumu-  and reproducibility of the retention times was calculated for ”ve selected
                                                               lation time 40 msec; full scan 200–2000 m/z; repeat 3; ASC 70%.     peaks spread throughout the elution window, yielding an average CV%
            • Shimadzu LC-20AB solvent delivery module (D2-LC)
                                                                                                                                   of 0.555 (averaged CV% in the two chromatographic dimensions).
            • Shimadzu DGU-20A5 degassing unit                                                                                     The overall peak capacity of the comprehensive separation was calcu-
            • Shimadzu CTO-20A column oven                     2-6. Sample Preparation                                             lated as 8540, being multiplicative of the individual values obtained for
            • Shimadzu SIL-20A autosampler                     Tryptic  digestion  was  made  according  to  Bushey  and  Jorgeson :   the two dimensions (n 1  × n 2 ). These values are merely theoretical, how-
                                                                                                            [ 7]
            • Shimadzu SPD-M20A photo diode array detector (8 †L  ow cell)  one-tenth  gram  of  α-casein  or  dephosphorylated  α-casein  were   ever, any effect of the ”rst dimension undersampling (about 1 fraction
                                                               dissolved in 10 mL of 0.01 M HCOONH 4  buffer, and the pH adjusted   per peak capacity), nor the selectivity correlation (orthogonality), or the
            • Shimadzu LCMS-IT-TOF (ESI source)
                                                               to 8.0 with NH 4 OH; the solution was heated in a boiling water bath   retention window in both dimensions, which does not cover the whole
            For connecting the two dimensions: electronically-controlled 2-posi-  for 6 min. After the solution cooled, 2.0 mg of trypsin from bovine   gradient duration. Therefore, some adjustments were made, in the cal-
            tion, ten-port high pressure switching valve (with two 100 †L sam-  pancreas was added, and the mixture was allowed to react for 4 h at   culation, which are fundamental for realistic peak capacity calculations.
            pling loops), Fig. 3.                              +37 °C; the reaction was quenched by adding 0.1% TFA to pH 2. The   First, the practical peak capacity of the separation, which accounts for or-  Fig. 6  Five-minute TIC from the RP-LC×RP-LC–PDA–IT-TOF separation
                                                               digests were stored at +4 °C, and ”ltered prior to injection through  thogonality between the two dimensions (retention correlation derived   of α-casein tryptic digest
                                                               0.45 –m nylon membrane (Whatman).                                   from solute retention vectors), was calculated using the equation devel-
            2-2. Software                                                                                                                     [8]                                     The  experimental  deconvoluted  molecular  masses  of  the  peptides
                                                               Aqueous solutions of the peptide standard mixture were prepared at   oped by Liu et al. . This calculation is based on solute retention param-  were then compared to the theoretical values obtained by in-silico di-
            • Shimadzu LCMSsolution (Version 3.50.346)         100 ppm.                                                            eters and, therefore, is more accurate in describing resolving power than   gestion of the proteins, to obtain the relative sequence coverage.
                                                                                                                                   those calculated by the multiplicative rule. A value of 3982 was obtained.
                                                                                                                                                                                      In-silico digestion  of  α-casein  and  dephosphorylated  α-casein  was
                                                                                                                                   For the quantitative estimation of the undersampling effect, a very recent
            2-3. 2D Software                                                                                                       approach developed by Carr’s research group was employed , which also   performed  by  using  PeptideMass  software  available  at  Expasy  site
                                                               3. Results and Discussion                                                                                              (,  selecting  up  to  three
            • ChromSquare (Version 2.0) from Chromaleont, Messina, Italy                                                           accounts for the effective retention time window and the second dimen-  missed cleavages (MC) for the generation of peptides.
                                                               Parameters for MS detection were optimized using a mixture of ”ve   sion gradient time. By applying such a calculation, the peak capacity calcu-
                                                               standard peptides, and the results in terms of mass accuracy are re-  lated for the 2D-LC system was further halved, yielding a value of 1802.  For  each  identi”ed  peptide,  monoisotopic  molecular  masses  of  the
                                                               ported  in  Table  1.  The  chromatographic  separation  was  ”rst  opti-                                              phosphorylated and the corresponding dephosphorylated forms are re-
                                                               mized in the two dimensions, separately. In order to enhance the sep-                                                  ported, together with the position of the modi”ed aminoacidic residues
                                                               aration power, four narrow-bore columns have been serially coupled      BLOB # 21                                      (phosph. site). Many of the differences in the plots in Fig. 2 are obvi-
                                                               in the D1, achieving a theoretical peak capacity of 402. Peptides were                                                 ously related to the presence or absence of phosphorylated peptides.
                                                               eluted from the ”rst dimension with basic mobile phase (pH 9).                                                         Since phosphorylation occurs on the serine residue, and a difference
                                                                                                                                                                                      of  (roughly)  80  Da  was  observed  for  removal  of  each  phosphate
                                                                 Table 1  Mass accuracy for the LCMS-IT-TOF analysis of a standard                                                    group, it must be conclusive that only HPO 3 is removed by dephos-
                                                                       peptide mixture                                                                                                phorylation, leaving the serine residue intact.
                                                                           Monoisotopic Predicted  Measured  Error  Error                                                             By combining the results obtained from the two RP-LC dimensions,
                                                                  AA sequence
                                                                             mass   [M+H] +  [M+H] +  (amu)  (ppm)                                                                    sequence coverage of 90.3% and 76.3% for α-casein and dephos-
                Fig. 3  Schematic of the 2D system and the switching valve  GLY-TYR (1)  238.0954  239.10333   239.1023   −0.00103  4.30                                              phorylated α-casein, respectively, were obtained. Comparison with
                                                                                                                                                                 Fragment T16
                                                                 VAL-TYR-VAL (2)  370.21079  380.2186  380.2164   −0.00229  6.02                                                      the  corresponding  values  of  68.2%  and  56.4%  obtained  for  the
                                                                 TYR-GLY-GLY-  573.22579  574.23369   574.23340  +0.00031  0.53                                  phospho              monodimensional system (D1, four coupled columns) clearly demon-
            2-4. Chromatographic Methods                          PHE-MET (3)                                                                                    TVDMESTEVFTK
                                                                 TYR-GLY-GLY-  555.26936  556.27726   556.2767   −0.0056  1.00                                                        strates the usefulness of the 2D-LC system.
                                                                  PHE-LEU (4)
                        First dimension (Reversed-phase)                                                                                                                              Identi”ed peptides in α-casein tryptic digest are shown in the plot in
             Column     :  Ascentis Express Peptide ES-C18, 150 mmL. × 2.1 mmI.D.,   ILE-HIS-PRO-PHE (5)   1045.53457  1046.54247  1046.5457   +0.00323  3.08                         Fig. 8.
                         2.7 µm d.p. (Sigma-Aldrich/Supelco, Bellefonte, PA, USA)
             Mobile phase   : (A) 10 mM CH 3 COONH 4  in H 2 O (pH 9)
                         (B) 10 mM CH 3 COONH 4  in H 2 O/ACN 10:90 (pH 9)  The D2 column consisted of RP-LC, due to its straightforward linkage to   Fig. 5  ChromSquare software window showing an expansion of the α-casein
             Gradient   :  0–40 min, 0 to 10% B, 40–60 min, to 20% B, 60–200 min,    MS detection, and was operated at low pH, attempting to deliver a certain   2D plot and the MS (ESI pos) spectrum of a phosphorylated peptide
                         to 50%, 200–220 min, to 100% B (hold for 20 min)   degree of orthogonality to D1. In the D2 separation, all the peaks eluted
             Flow rate   : 100 µL/min                          within 0.6 min, allowing enough time space for re-conditioning (Fig. 4).
             Column oven  :    35 °C                                                                                               In Fig. 5 is depicted the ChromSquare software window for qualitative/
             Injection vol.  :    20 µL
                                                                                                                                   quantitative data analysis, showing an enlargement from the contour
                                                                                                                                   plot of Fig. 2. The lower window allows visualization of the whole
                       Second dimension (Reversed-phase)                                                                           modulation, while integration of some peaks in the selected region of
             Column     :  Ascentis Express Peptide ES-C18, 30 mmL. × 4.6 mmI.D.,                                                  interest further allows calculation of retention times in the two dimen-
                         2.7 µm d.p. (Sigma-Aldrich/Supelco, Bellefonte, PA, USA)                                                  sions, as well as peak area calculation for distinctive fragments.
             Mobile phase   : (A) 0.1% TFA in H 2 O (pH 2)
                         (B) 0.1% TFA in H 2 O/ACN 10:90 (pH 2)                                                                    Fig. 6 shows a ”ve-minute enlargement of the raw RP-LC×RP-LC–
             Gradient   : 0–0.05 min, 0 to 20% B, 0.05–0.40 min, to 40% B,                                                         PDA–IT-TOF chromatogram corresponding to the plot in Fig. 2, and
                         0.40–0.50 min, to 50% B, 0.50–0.69 min, to 90% B,                                                         the average mass spectrum obtained for three consecutive peaks (1
                         0.69–0.70 min, to 0% B, 0.70–1.00 min, to 0% B
             Flow rate   : 4 mL/min                                                                                                min interval, corresponding to the modulation time set) are depicted
             Column oven  :    35 °C                                                                                               in the inset. This demonstrates that at least three fractions of the pep-
             Modulation time  : 1 min                                                                                              tide with m/z 747.3650 have been transferred from the ”rst to the
             Loop size   : 100 µL                                 Fig. 4  One-min D2 separation of a standard peptide mixture      second dimension of the comprehensive system.         Fig. 7  LCMSsolution software window for peak deconvolution
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