Page 7 - LifeScience Solutions for Stem Cell Analysis
P. 7

Comparative Metabolomics
                                                                                                      of Human ES Cells

               Fig. 1 shows typical GC-MS TIC chromatograms of   spectra of oxime-TMS derivatives of cellular metabolites.
               oxime-TMS derivatives for undifferentiated (A) and   The PCA analysis shows clear difference of metabolites
               differentiated (B) hESCs. There are about 50 peaks in the   between undifferentiated and differentiated hESCs (Fig. 2).
                                                                  (A) PCA score plots                                  iPS Cell Differentiation  Proteomic Analysis of Human

                                                                                                                        of  Human ES Cells
                                                                                                                         Comparative Metabolomics

                 Fig. 1 Typical TIC chromatograms of derivatized metabolites.  Fig. 2 Principal component analysis based on   a Super-functional Liver Chip  A Micro-fluidic Approach using
                                                                                    metabolic profile data

                 There are about 10 metabolites which show         Lactic acid               lsoleucine
                 more than two-fold difference between
                 differentiated and undifferentiated hESCs.
                 Fig. 3 shows an example of down- or
                 up-regulated metabolites during                                                                       by LC-MS/MS  Metabolomics
                 differentiation. Lactic acid, the end product
                 of glycolysis, is down-regulated during
                 differentiation, which suggests the
                 deactivation of glycolysis. On the other hand,
                                                                   Malic acid              Glutamic acid
                 malic acid, a compound in the TCA cycle, is
                 up-regulated during differentiation, which
                 suggests activation of the TCA cycle.
                 Isoleucine is also down-regulated during
                 differentiation and glutamic acid is                                                                  by MALDI  Tissue Imaging
                 up-regulated during differentiation.

                 These results suggest that a metabolomics
                 approach is one of the most effective
                 strategies to understand the state of hESCs.

                                                                     Fig. 3 Example of down regulated and up regulated
                                                                               metabolites during differentiation
               The human embryonic stem cells were kindly provided by Prof. N. Nakatsuji, Kyoto University.            Spectrometers  Shimadzu’s Mass
               Data courtesy of Prof. N. Nakatsuji, Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences, Kyoto University, Japan
               This work was supported by New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) Japan, Grant #P10027 Fundamental Technology
               Development for Promoting Industrial Application of Human Stem Cells.
               Poster presented at 19  International Mass Spectrometry Conference in Kyoto on September 19, 2012.

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