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Proteomic Analysis of Human
                                                                                                    iPS Cell Differentiation
                                                                                                      MALDI-TOF MS

               In order to identify the proteins related to differentiation   gel electrophoresis images obtained from iPSCs extracts.
               properties of chondrocyte lineage, we performed   Proteins were resolved in a pl range between 3 and 10,
               differential proteomics comparing proteome map   and approximately 600 spots were detected. Spots with
               patterns of each human iPSC clone (F2,           more than a 2-fold change were considered differentially   iPS Cell Differentiation  Proteomic Analysis of Human
               high-differentiation ability vs. b6, a3, a12 or a16,   expressed (Fig. 2). A total of 155 spots were differentially
               low-differentiation ability). Fig. 1 shows two-dimensional   expressed.

              pl 3       pl 10

                                         clone a3    clone a12                                                          of  Human ES Cells  Comparative Metabolomics

                  clone F2

                                        clone a16     clone b6         Fig. 2 Differentially expressed spots.
                                                                                 The red circles indicate spots showing more   A Micro-fluidic Approach using
                          Fig. 1 2-DE images of each iPS cell line               than 2-fold change.                   a Super-functional Liver Chip
               Among these spots, 123 proteins (48 up-regulated and 75   according to their gene ontology (Fig. 3). Nearly half of
               down-regulated) in F2 cells were identified by MALDI-TOF   the proteins (46%) were associated with metabolism
               MS analysis. The identified proteins were classified   including protein metabolism (Fig. 3).           by LC-MS/MS  Metabolomics

                                           Fig. 3  Classification of differentially expressed proteins                 by MALDI  Tissue Imaging

               Human iPS cells were kindly provided by Prof. Junya Toguchida, Kyoto University.                        Spectrometers  Shimadzu’s Mass
               Data courtesy of Prof. Junya Toguchida, Department of Cell Growth and Differentiation, Center for iPS Cell Research and Application, Kyoto University, Japan

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