Page 2 - LifeScience Solutions for Stem Cell Analysis
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Stem cells are well known to have unique properties: they have the ability to grow almost indefinitely and
            they have the potential to re-differentiate into specialized cells, such as liver cells (hepatocytes) and heart
            cells (cardiomyocytes).

            Because of such remarkable ability and potential, stem cell research is advancing rapidly in a number of
            laboratories around the world.

            Scientists have carried out basic research and developed various applications of iPS (induced pluripotent
            stem) cells, ES (embryonic stem) cells and other stem cells in regenerative medicine, cell therapy and drug
            development etc.

            Shimadzu, as a world leader in the analytical instruments industry, has long supported various
            cutting-edge research, and we are now collaborating with leading researchers using state-of-the-art mass
            spectrometry technologies, including LC-MS, GC-MS, MALDI-TOFMS and Mass Microscope.

            In the collaboration, we used multidisciplinary research methodologies such as proteomics, metabolomics
            and imaging mass spectrometry, whereby it becomes possible to evaluate the status of stem cells.

            With advanced analytical technologies and excellent services, Shimadzu can help you accelerate your
            research and keep you on the cutting edge of stem cell research.
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