Page 50 - Shimadzu Dynamic and Fatigue Testing Systems
P. 50

Optional Accessories

             An extensive selection of optional testing equipment, such as various testing jigs, detectors, and atmospheric control testing units, is available.
             For more details, refer to the separate optional accessories brochure.

            EMT Series Accessories

                               Pin-Type Grip for Flat Samples                     Split Flange Rod Grip

                             These grips are designed for half-amplitude tensile   These grips allow samples to be secured easily and
                             fatigue testing.                                    rmly. They are ideal for full-amplitude tensile and
                                                                                compression fatigue testing of round rod samples.

                              Max. dynamic test force  +10kN                     Max. dynamic test force  +10kN
                              Operating temperature range  -20 to +300 °C        Operating temperature range  -RT to +100 °C
                                            Flat plate                                         -20 to 300 °C
                               Applicable sample
                                            (max. 30 mm wide and 5 mm thick)      Applicable sample  Rod
                                Plastics  Composite materials  Rubber            Composite materials

                               Manual Non-Shift Plate Grip                        Screw Flange Rod Grip

                             These grips are designed for full-amplitude tensile   These grips are useful for samples with a small
                             and compression fatigue testing of  at plate       diameter.
                             materials and feature a simple and ef cient
                              Max. dynamic test force  ±5/10kN                   Max. dynamic test force  ±10kN
                                            RT to +50 °C                                       -RT to +100 °C
                              Operating temperature range                        Operating temperature range
                                            -196 to +300 °C                                    -20 to 300 °C
                               Applicable sample  Flat plate                      Applicable sample  Rod
                                Plastics  Composite materials                       Metals    Plastics  Composite materials

                               Compression Plate                                  3-Point/4-Point Bending Test Jig
                                                                                  (for partial half-amplitude fatigue testing)
                             Compression plates are available with both top and
                             bottom  xed or with the top compression plate
                             mounted on a spherical seat.
                                                                                  Maximum test force  2kN
                              Max. dynamic test force  20 kN
                                            (multiple capacities available)        Max. dynamic   50 N/m
                                                                                   bending moment
                              Operating temperature range  RT to +250 °C         Operating temperature range  196 to +300 °C
                               Applicable sample  Ø60mm
                                                                                   Jig dimensions  Lower span: 30 to 100 mm
                                Metals     Plastics  Composite materials                       Upper span: 15 to 50 mm
                                Rubber   Components                                 Metals    Plastics  Composite materials

                               Uniform Bending Test Jig                           Dynamic Strain Gauge
                               (for full-amplitude fatigue testing)
                             This jig uses ball bearings at each support point to   This strain gauge offers excellent performance as a
                             all apply uniform bending loads.                   displacement gauge for high-cycle fatigue testing.

                              Max. dynamic test force  +2kN                       Measurement range  ±0.5mm/±1.0mm
                                Max. dynamic   +20N/m                                          Within ±10 % of indicated
                                bending moment
                                                                                 Measurement accuracy  value or within ±0.5 % of rating,
                               Applicable sample  RT to +50 °C                                 whichever is greater
                                            -196 to +200 °C                      Operating temperature range  RT to +50 °C
                                Metals     Plastics  Composite materials            Metals    Plastics  Composite materials

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