Page 49 - Shimadzu Dynamic and Fatigue Testing Systems
P. 49

                     Model             MMT-11NV-2         MMT-101NV-10        MMT-250NV-10       MMT-500NV-10
                    Test force           ±10N               ±100N               ±250N               ±500N
                   Piston stroke         ±2mm                                   ±10mm
                   Cycle speed           60Hz                                   100Hz
                  Controlled items                        Test force and stroke (two can be added as options)
                                 Within ±1 % of indicated value or   Within ±0.5 % of indicated value or ±0.02 % of  EHF Series  Electric Hydraulic Dynamic and Fatigue Testing System
                          Test force  ±0.02 % of maximum dynamic
             Indication accuracy  test force, whichever is greater   maximum dynamic test force, whichever is greater
                           Stroke              Stroke: Within +1 % of indicated value or ±0.1 % of maximum stroke, whichever is greater
              Installation space (W × D × H)                   Approx. 1000 × 500 × 1200 mm
                  Actuator mount        Bottom                            Either top or bottom mount
                   Total weight        Approx. 80 kg      Approx. 100 kg      Approx. 120 kg     Approx. 150 kg
                 Power requirements   1Ø  100V  500VA                         1Ø  100V  1kVA
                                           Minimal temperature variations (+10 to +40 °C recommended, with temperature variations within ±5 °C)
                  Site requirements        Low humidity      Not exposed to direct air flow from heating or cooling systems
                                           No direct sunlight        Low dust                  No significant vibration

                                             Servo Controller 4830              Servo Controller 4830               EMT/NJ-SERVO/MMT Series  Electric Fatigue and Endurance Test System

                                 Main unit     Power ampli er                     Power ampli er
                                                                                          Units: mm
                                        10 to 250 N                        500N
            Amplitude Characteristics (60Hz)
                 No load         100    0.01G  MMT-500N-10  10G  100G            100    0.01G  MMT-250N-10  10G  100G

                                 Half-amplitude (mm)  10 1  0.1G  10cm/s  100cm/s  Half-amplitude (mm)  10 1  0.1G  10cm/s  100cm/s  Servo Controller 4830  Controller for Dynamic and Fatigue Testing Systems


                                 0.1    0.1cm/s                                  0.1   0.1cm/s
                                  0.1       1        10       100                 0.1       1        10       100
                                             Frequency (Hz)                                  Frequency (Hz)
                                             MMT-11N-2                                      MMT-101N-10
                                 100    0.01G     1G  10G  100G                 100     0.01G     1G  10G  100G

                                 Half-amplitude (mm)  10 1  0.1G  10cm/s  100cm/s  Half-amplitude (mm)  10 1  0.1G  10cm/s  100cm/s  Various Dynamic Testing Systems


                                 0.1    0.1cm/s                                  0.1   0.1cm/s
                                  0.1       1        10       100                 0.1       1        10       100
                                             Frequency (Hz)                                 Frequency (Hz)
             The above characteristic curves indicate the relation between half-amplitude and cycle speed during sine wave motion (without load).
             The above characteristics do not include the frame or load cell characteristics. Compensate for the in uence of these factors to determine actual amplitude characteristics.
             The indicated characteristics values were calculated based on typical characteristics of the actuator being used, which may result in a difference of about 10 % on the frequency axis.

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